Chapter Three

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"I have a bad feeling about this," Quinn grumbled yet again, leaning back in the co-pilot seat as he watched the blue planet of Begantu draw closer, the landing codes transmitting in a dull hum in front of him. "This feels too shady, even for us."

"They're probably transporting schematics for some kind of banned weapon," Senna guessed, standing behind Ryver's chair to watch their approach.

"What kind of illegal weapon would give Gialia the power to negotiate with both the Emperor and Corrah?" Des asked from his seat near the back of the cockpit. "And why would Corrah or the Laurentus want that planet, anyway?"

"It's in a strong position on the trade routes," Ryver said. "And as Laurentus takes more planets under imperial rule, Corrah is trying to regain ground."

"Must be a hell of a weapon if it's gonna fend off both powers," Senna huffed, leaning on the back of Ryver's chair.

"Well it can't very well be soldiers or enough weapons to outfit an entire coup," Quinn said. "Otherwise he would have wanted a bigger ship."

Senna gasped. "What if it's the person they want leading the rebellion against Gialia's tyrant leader? Maybe it's actually a person we're picking up and they're saying its cargo to keep everyone off the trail?"

"It better not be a person," Quinn said. "We don't smuggle people." He rubbed his forehead roughly with a groan. "But I guess we won't know, though, will we? Since you don't want to even know what the hell we're bringing on the ship."

"We'd notice a person taking up oxygen reserves," Senna said. "Although...if it is a person, and it's just over a cycle trip to Gialia...what about their food? How are we going to-"

"Stop jumping to conclusions," Ryver said, mimicking the actions of bringing the Avalon in to land, despite the ship already being set on its landing course, to hide the way Senna's pondering had set her entire body on edge. She had not once considered that the cargo they would be hauling could be a person, but it would explain the high purse, the shady details, and why the cargo could never leave the ship until it was on the planet surface.

"But Ryver, what if it is a person?" Senna insisted. "Are we still going to take the job?"

"Not like we'll have a choice," Quinn grumbled. "If we refuse, I'm sure we'll be killed." He crossed his arms, kicking his legs up on the console as he gave Ryver a sideways glare. "I'm telling you, Ryver, this one is bad."

With a heavy sigh, Ryver turned over her shoulder to look at Des.

"After it's loaded, I want you to go to Bay Three and see what was brought on board."

"Why him?" Senna asked. "And I thought you didn't want to know what it was."

"I don't want to know," Ryver said. "That's why I'm not going to look myself. But we're going to need to know if it's a person. And if it's not a person," she gave Des a sympathetic look, "you're not likely to know what it is since you're still new at all this."

"Whatever you need me to do, Captain."

Senna clearly wanted to protest, her gaze flicking between Ryver and Des, but she could not form an argument. Instead, she returned to her seat, flopping back with a huff and crossing her arms, racking her brain for what their mysterious cargo could be. Her gaze passed over the screens and controls of the ship, something catching her eye on the proximity screen that distracted her from her pondering.

"Ryver, do you see all this weird interference?"

Ryver turned just long enough to see Senna motioning to the blue screen.

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