❄️Oregon Trail: A mystery in plain sight❄️

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Creativity: 15/15

This might sound funny, and it is to me because the more I think about it, the more I think, Oh my God, I'm old. So when I think Oregon trails, I think of the game that. You used to play on a computer-type Oregon trail. Now the story is far from that, but it still has a uniqueness to it that I enjoyed as a reader. The characters are very sassy and it definitely a. lightheartedness to the story, but also keeping to the story theme and enjoy. that.


I honestly don't think I've ever read a story like this. The way that the author brings the story to life and the characters with it is what makes this story so beautifully written like. you get these two characters, and they're totally different, and I will go more in-depth than that when it comes to that part of the review. But the way that the author does it, sometimes you don't realize you're reading a story and not watching—a movie.

Storytelling: 15/15

This is where it gets to trust because, like I said before, I feel like I'm not reading a story more than watching a movie. And the reason I say this is because the way that the author writes the story it is so different than what I am used to, but it has such a uniqueness to an institute of beauty to it along with a little bit of sass that you really can't break down what type of storytelling it is. Let me irradiate. There are several different types of storytelling. There is first-person storytelling. There is advent storytelling. I think that's right where you more than likely see the story than you read the story. Like when you're reading the story, you can see it unfold, which is a very beautiful type of story. There's also old-fashioned storytelling, where you get the feel that it's back in the old days. There's future storytelling, and the list goes on and on. I don't go in-depth with these types of categories just because I haven't found many stories that pinpoint these types of storytelling. So, I don't use them unless need be. This story is definitely old-time storytelling in a way, but that's where it gets tricky because it doesn't just feel like it's back in the old days type storytelling. It feels like it's more modern storytelling as well. But then again, it feels like it's also a little bit of a realistic story. Italian. So, All in all, this author has three types of storytelling that they're doing, and I'm not saying that that's a bad thing. I think it's a wonderful thing because you get a little bit of everything while you breed this story, And that is why it's so interesting to read.

Character: 15/15

Oh, this is where it is unique as well because the characters are definitely not your average characters. They do not strike me as oh my goodness. I've read this before. Type characters. These characters aren't really 100 percent broken, which everybody knows. I love a broken character, but they all. You can tell have personality. Give me. A good personality character, and I'm like all for it. Like, give me a character that shows my personality. Don't give me one of these chopped-up characters that are like, oh, it's so basic and cliche. No, I want characters with feelings; this author has given me this. Now, don't get me wrong, I have read a lot of reviews, and there is a lot of beauty to reviewing. Let me tell you that is a fact, But I like characters that are either so broken down that they can't be fixed until the story is done and on to a sequel, or I want characters that have such personality. You're not sure if these are actual people in real life or not. Now you're probably wondering which one this one delivered AD. This one gave me personality, and I am living for it. Did these characters you would think that they were either long-time best friends or they would end up being best friends because of their bickering, uniqueness, and the way they were? You felt like you were right there in the same room as them, sitting down, watching them bigger back and forth over something petty. But you didn't say anything because, at the end of the day, even though it was petty, you wanted to see who won. Yep, that's the kind of character this author made. And let me tell you, it is beautiful. I would give the author a round of applause for that, and I don't.

Story Flows:15 /15

There was no sentence structure when it came to the story's flow. Sentence flow or grammar errors.

Cover Design: 10/15

Notices where it gets tricky, and let me explain. It's not that I don't like the cover because I think the cover is unique, but I feel like you could do so much more with the cover to make it more popping when it comes to the story itself because, at the end of the day, the story is phenomenal. But I feel like it's missing that perfect cover. So, I'm going to give you some of my recommendations for you to look for a different cover or get some general ideas of how covers are.

Cover shops I recommend




Final Thoughts:10 /10

At the end of the day, I do find that the story was definitely to my liking. I love stories like these, and I find them to be very unique. They're very interesting to read, and the way that the author did the characters, unlike, why does this author not have more people reading this story? The characters are what make me enjoy reading the story because they are so realistic. And the way they bicker back and forth makes me love the story even more. You can tell that they're very immature, but at the same time, you can. Tell them that even with their immaturity, they will grow. They will grow either together as friends or. Apart as enemies. Who knows what the future holds for them? But I help the author go back to writing something similar to the story, or they get back to writing this story because I enjoyed it a lot. And I feel like stories like this need to be well recognized. So I do hope that this author finds their group of people that will appreciate their story as much as I do.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:95

Summary of the book:

Oregon Trail is a town in the middle of nowhere...hell, it ain't even near Oregon!Evangeline. A new comer to the town. One day she decided to explore...She ended up sitting by the street..When suddenly a truck like vehicle drives off the road almost hitting her!It stops on the field behind her that is near the woods that surrounds the town.Evangeline decides to confront the idiot who almost killed her...But would it end in her falling into a rabbit hole of what happened to this unstable town..?Good luck dear reader...⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️-Swearing at times-possible crappy representation (I apologize in advance)-elements of violence-All characters and events are made up.Any relation to real life people or events and other people's work are coincidental (Oregon Trail isn't even a real town to my knowledge)-this story is intended for 13-14+ audiences.-Subtle reference to alcohol Did I mention that there will be a few codes?Don't worry you'll be fine.. probably ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯Good luck dear reader...


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they cannot be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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