Chapter 18

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Wuxian and Wangji were sleeping in Jingshi whereas other were just cursing themselves.

"It's the first time Wangji behaved like this.. the one who always followed the rules, respected the rules now said that the rules are nothing." Said Xichen.

"Pfft.. haha.. sorry but I couldn't hold my laugh seriously I mean.. Wangji said the right thing because.." ChinSu was stating her point when Wen Qing, Wen Zurui and Wen Ning came out of the room and Wen Qing interrupted them.

"For God sake ChinSu and Xichen stop the nonsense." Scolded Wen Qing.

"Qing.. you please relax.. they are fine now and when did you started behaving like this with other.. huh.. anyways.. keep checking Wuxian every half n hour because there is something which is bothering me about him." Said Wen Zurui to Wen Qing.

"Ok.. A-Ning you go to the hall and just inform them that the matter is settled." Said Wen Qing.

"Okay Jiejie.. *he saw that Sect Leader Lan and others were just staring at them* ah.. sorry we forgot to give our introductions.. I am Wen Ning, Sect heir, future sect leader of Dafan Wen." Said Wen Ning Bowed to the olders.

"I am Wen Qing, sister of Wen Ning and cousin of Wen Chao and.. Wen Xu." Said Wen Qing and bowed.

"I am Wen Zurui.. wife of Wen Ning and also head doctor of Wen Clan." Said Wen Zurui and bowed.

"Nice to meet you.. young doctors.. and thank you for treating my son and daughter-in-law." Said Qingheng-Jun.

"No need of Thanks Sect Leader Lan because it is out job to help the wounded and help the one who needs us." Said Wen Qing.

"Uh.. how do you know Wangji..?" Asked QingSu.

"Aa.. uh.. that.. I.." Qing was trying to find some excuse thankfully Wen Ning said..

"Your question is wrong madam.. Ask this who doesn't know your sons?.. I bet that no one can tell that they don't know your sons..
Yes, one of your two sons are so handsome that their name is also in the list of most handsome cultivator. And the second thing is that Wangji and Xichen are so powerful that everyone adores them. Even I have heard few maidens saying that they want to marry Lan Wangji. So it is obvious that we would know him and also.. we have seen his portraits too."

"Portraits..?! " Asked QingSu.

"Yes Madam Lan.. few maidens in caiyi town sell his beautiful portraits which they made.. somehow they have seen Wangji and they made it. Hehe nothing else." Said Wen Zurui.

"Looks like Wangji is more popular than me." Said Xichen with a pout.

Sizhui and MinJi also came to meet WangXian, outside both saw Wen Qing and Wen Ning so they stopped and asked them about WangXian.

"Sizhui.. MinJi.. first of all relax and don't worry about them because they are fine now. We have treated their wounds and given them medicines, they are just sleeping now." Said Wen Qing.

"Can we meet them..?" Asked MinJi.

"Uh..Ok but don't make any sound." Answered Wen Qing.

Sizhui and MinJi went inside and sat near Wangji and Wuxian respectively. Xichen and ChinSu knew what was coming up so they managed to get Qingheng-Jun and QingSu out of the site.

"Mumma.. why didn't you answered back like previous life? Why did you accepted the punishment which was illogical and unreasonable..?" Cried out MinJi holding Wuxian's hands.

"Baba.. you.. again did the same thing like previous life. Hmph.. really, you are so in love with mumma." Said Sizhui caressing Wangji's face.

Wangji on the other hand was seeing something in his dreams related to Wuxian. He saw that..

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