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Mr. Wizz was a cool teacher.

Well, to me anyways. He taught science which was one of my least hated subject. It was interesting in some type of creepy odd way. Mr. Wizz also happened to be amazing at teaching the subject, with his weird glasses and his wacky fashion sense.

But on this particular day, I wasn't so much interested in chemistry. 

"Can someone tell me anything that we learned yesterday about chemical thermodynamics?" Mr. Wizz's strong voice rang through the classroom.

No one answered. Or more like no one cared. Mr. Wizz took this silence as an opportunity for asking somebody to answer the question and started looking around the crowded room for his next victim. Oh fuck.

This was one one of the things that I hated about his class. He always knew how to put somebody on the spot. I just prayed it wasn't me, this one time.

"Ms. Jenson?"

Holy shit. All eyes were on me now. Fuck you, Mr. Wizz.

I nervously rubbed my sweaty hands on my leggings, trying to find the words, "Um, chemical thermodynamics is... um..."

Thankfully, God had listened to my prayers and a random kid, at that moment, busted through Mr. Wizz's classroom door and yelled, "School fight!"

Once those two words came out, all hell broke loose. Everybody in the class got up and started yelling, running towards the door, where the random boy had now vanished. I saw Mr. Wizz was cupping his mouth yearning his students to come back in, but that didn't help much.

In my school, fights weren't always happening so when it did people would go crazy over them.

I, too, found myself getting up from my desk walking through crowds of people to see what all the chaos was about (and to possibly find if my friends were anywhere in the crowd too). I lot of people were pushing, shoving and taking videos, that it reminded me why I don't step into shit like this. Where the hell was Arianna and Kelly?

Eventually, after a lot of shoving and jabbing, I had made it to the front and could recognize one of the faces on the two people who were fighting. The guy on the ground had dark brown hair, that almost looked jet black, almond shaped eyes but one was already shut and bruised against his olive-toned skin.

Both his bottom lip and nose bloody. He looked like he was struggling to get up and push the guy who was on top of him, who was probably going to knock the bottom dude out with every single punch received.

The dude on top had familiar light brownish hair, and round dark eyes. None that were bruised though. He had a long open gash on his sharp jawline and blood coming out of his mouth, which lead him to keep spitting on the hallway ground as he continued throwing hard punches making the bottom dude bleed more and judging on the top guys physique, I wasn't surprised with all the damage his strength had done to the bottom dudes face.

Ultimately, teachers and staff came running into the crowd tearing the boys away from each other, and others were pushing the crowd to go back to their classes. Luckily, I was able to see one of the boys faces while they were wiping the blood roughly off there face.

How the hell could I not tell? The chestnut hair, the strong physique, and sharp jawline.

These were all familiar feature of Milo.

Milo who I ran into this morning.

* * *

"I heard it was because Milo and Jaedan had some ongoing beef on the field."

"No, it's definitely because Jaedan fucked Milo's ex,"

"Why would Nora cheat on Milo though? He's hot." 

The whole day people couldn't give the fight a rest and spreading rumors. Jaedan this or Milo that, the whole situation was annoying but sadly, my friends also were those "people" who couldn't give the fight a rest during lunch.

"Jaedan and Milo is the most randomest beef that I could ever imagine. Weren't they best friends or something?" Arianna said, replaying the fight on her phone.

Kelly shrugged while popping a Dorito in her mouth , "I wouldn't call them best friends but they were friends since sixth grade,"

"Can we like not talk about this right now?' I stated, playing with the cafeteria's Cobb salad.

Arianna nodded swiftly, realizing my slight annoyance, "Um, yea, sure."

Our table went quiet, while the bustling cafeteria noises consumed our silenced.

"But like Jaedan fucking Nora? That doesn't even sound right, " Kelly chattered, breaking the silence.

Arianna quickly joined in, excitedly, "I know right?!"

I was just praying that this didn't drag on for more than it needed it to.


The day had finally come to an end and it was now time for dismissal. I usually catch a ride from Kelly because I utterly refuse to drive. I've just always been afraid of driving, or more like the thought of it.

Kelly had a light blue jeep that wasn't hard to pick out in the student parking lot since majority of them had neutral colored cars. I walked up to her car and saw Kelly already sitting in the drivers seat, scrolling on her phone. I entered the passenger side and closed the door behind me.

Kelly still hadn't acknowledged me yet, her eyes still glued to her phone. So to get her attention I wiggled my fingers in her face and whispered, "Earth to Kelly,"

"Hey, Eve," She said, but still not giving me all of her attention.

I had eventually had enough and snatched her phone from her hand trying to read what was so important. Although she tried to fight to get it back, I tried to push her away and saw what was on her phone I saw was a tweet about the school fight between Jaeden and Milo and several other retweets.

People were talking about how Jaeden was hoe and deserves that black eye and others were saying Milo needed to secure his girl better.

Before I could finish reading the rest, Kelly grabbed her phone back.

"Before you say anything, I just wanted to say this shit is interesting. It's the only reason why I'm reading these tweets," She said, placing her phone down in the beverage holder.

I scrunched my face a little, "Is it really? I think people are just eating at this too much. It was a fight, nothing to it,"

"People don't just fight for no reason, Evelyn,"


I had finally got home or more so Mom's house, since I have two now and all I wanted to do was go into my room and snuggle in my blankets. Since Mom worked late I usually was in charge of running the house, so that means making dinner, taking the trash out, and feeding Pepper our cat.

I stopped in the kitchen to put some food out for Pepper and grab a bag of chips, as I walked past the living room I saw my younger brother; Boogie, watching Garfield on the couch.

Boogie was my youngest and only sibling. My parents had him when I was 9, we had just moved from Arizona to Michigan. At first I hated the fact that my parents even wanted another kid other than me, but as time slowly progressed I started hating the thought about having a little brother less.

I would have someone to play with for once.

Then Boogie came into this world and it was nice. Well, his actual name isn't Boogie, his name was Justin but that was just a nickname that kinda stuck with me after I saw him.

"Did you finish your homework, Boogie?" I asked from the hallway.

Boogie didn't respond but instead gave me a thumbs up from the couch and thats all I needed to know before climbing upstairs.

lie.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon