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I fucking hate high school.

The smells, the food, the work, and most importantly the people. The jocks, the cheerleaders, the junkies, and the artsy kids. I hated it all.

The only reason I came to this dreaded prison was because I had to so I could have the "best future" possible, which I think is bullshit because one of the most richest people in the world today were high school drop outs but were like stupid smart.

I on the other hand wasn't stupid smart, I would like to think that I was book smart, but to be very honest I sucked in school. If it weren't for Kelly's notes, I would've been a lost cause.

A pair of snapping black painted fingers appeared in my face, making me blink out of what I call: my thinking  space.  

"Yo Eve, did ya hear what I said?" Kelly one of my closest friends questioned.

Oh right, school. I need to stop blanking out.

Kelly, Arianna and I were in school walking to our next class.

Kelly has always been my friend for, well, since forever. Our parents were close so we just kind of grew up together.

I shook my head, "Um, yea?" 

Kelly rolled her eyes at me then spoke, "I was trying to say that I'm pregnant with twins by Tom Holland and that I might have to drop out,"

So I guess I did miss something important.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'm sorry I'm just thinking about... this quiz we have in Mr. Wizz's class," I answered, with Arianna's laughter following after.

I felt Kelly's arm slither around my shoulders as we walked around another sharp hallway corner, "Seriously though, Eve, what's up with you today? You've been in and out recently,"

I shrugged, "Probably the divorce,"

That was lie. I didn't give a crap about my parents divorce that happened a year ago, it was for the best and I actually kind of liked the whole separate homes thing.

Bringing up the divorce was just an easier excuse nowadays.

Arianna, who was on the other side of me, spoke up this time "Look Evelyn, it was a good excuse the first few months but now it just sucks ass."

I nodded, chuckling a bit. They know me so well, it was actually getting creepy. "Okay fine, I'm just a little tired. I promise I'm alright,"

Kelly slightly raised her voice, "Well, whatever it is. I know there's only one cure to it ,"

I was now the one to roll my eyes, "And what is that?"

Kelly lips neared my ear and whispered, "To get fucked,"

I scrunched my forehead in disgust and playfully pushed her arm away from my shoulders. We don't really talk about things like that. It was probably why I got so uncomfortable when talking about sexual activities with my friends. I also noticed they didn't quite mind talking about it, but just restrained themselves from talking about sex to keep me comfortable.

Unfortunately, Kelly's surprisingly strong push, made my clumsy ass lose balance on my left leg and bump into another fellow human being in the hallway.

A tall one, matter of fact.

I looked towards the person I bumped.

Out of the 900 something kids in my school, I had to bump into Milo.

My ancient fifth grade "bully" and Lakewoods latest heart throb.

Milo was a sick and twisted individual that I didn't bother associating with because of his bad reputation. He always was caught having sex in most janitors closets with different girls, i might add. He loves throwing parties and, he's the high-schools football quarterback. If those three things didn't tell you enough about him, then you're dense.


"Watch the fuck out, man," he said looking down at me for a split second before turning his attention back to his little football friends, who were cackling at the interaction.

"You first, dipshit." I whispered lowly. Unluckily, he didn't hear it with his deaf ass.

"Evelyn, you good?" Kelly asked, pushing me to the middle, making Arianna and Kelly be on each side of me.

I nodded, "Yeah, just Milo being a regular jackass,"

"Talking about Milo, did you hear-" Ariana was interrupted by the bell.

"Tell us during lunch, yeah Ari?" Kelly requested.

Arianna agreed in a small smile before saying her goodbyes and walking to her class.

I faced the other way to say goodbye to Kelly but she was already sprinting off to class in the opposite way, but her face still facing me and her hands cupping around her mouth.

"Remember to bust that nut girl!" She yelled.

Eyes landed on me in the hallway once she yelled, and I had no choice but to walk in class with a death threat for a girl named Kelly.

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