Chapter 15

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time skip
Since everyone now knows that little miko is a familiar, they hold her with more respect and she has been helping rebuild things with her powers and everyone is very happy.

we are now all sitting in the living room and just relaxing, i see that little miko is nervous and wants to say something so i ask.
Is little miko something wrong?
This catches the other's attraction and I see that it makes little Miko more nervous but she speaks.
Shuang yun i know what happens to your dad, she says.
Shuang Yun visibly freezes and then says the doctor told you right.
yes he did, she answers.
but i was wondering if you still have dna or something of him she asks.
I wonder why little miko.
well i can resurrect people it takes a lot of energy but i can do it but if i do it i have to be sure you want it and that your dad really didn't want to die i say.

yamiko pov
I just explained that I can get his dad back and he looks shocked that the others do too.
Can you really do what Shuang Yun asks?
but i will only do it if you want and if your dad really did not want to die i say.
please bring him back please he says.
i can do it but not now i need a lot of energy and all that.
he nods still shocked and goes to sit again.
bai di then asks me little miko do you have family?
now it is my turn to stiffen, i do, i say
do you miss then he asks then i let out a chuckle no i say coldly they did not like me very much i say.
oh they say
we stayed quite a bit and then sangye asked me how did you become familiar?
i smile at him and say pain
yes pain, experiments and more it hurt like hell i say
why did they do that bai di asks
for there enjoyment i state
how is that enjoyable shuang yun shouts
because they can do whatever they want i say
miko what did they do to you? shuang yun asks sternly
I now have some tears in my eyes and say you don't want to know.
Shuang Yun comes over and hugs me. I hug back and cry remembering what I went through and now having people around me who cared.

shuang yuns pov

I hate this. I hate that my miko is crying right now. It hurts my heart to know someone hurt her. Her cries become softer and her breathing goes smoother as I look at her while she is sleeping. I picked her up and put her on the bed and covered her and walked back to the other 2 who looked worried.
Someone hurt her badly. I say someone made her like this but what can we do? I feel so useless.
I think we should ask her to tell us what happens when she is ready. Bai di says we all nod and go to the bed to sleep next to her.

time skip again

We still don't know what exactly happened but we said she could tell us when she was ready and was happy we did not push her for answers. Instead we have been training and it was rough. We got a boost in strength and have been learning how to use her powers and her to fight.

I really enjoy being with her and all.

we are about to go outside when she stops us i feel the pressures of a familiar near and we will have to fight you guys have to kill the master and i the familiar is that ok she says
yes we are ready i say and the others nod we go to the place where she said they were and we walk behind her as we approach a man who was standing there looking at us.

hello memo miko says
ah hello makio long time no see i have been waiting to torment you he says
i'm afraid that won't happen as you will die here she says
he smirks as beast men come from behind and say memo kill her and a fight start:
me,sangye and bai di fight the masters and easily kill them we then look at makio fight she is really good i say.
she is so elegant when you fights sangye says
She is the one with the blade.
They are now on opposite sides and makio says ready to die.
I was about to ask you the same thing the memo says and they both ran at each other for one last blow.
The hit blows the sand up so we can see when the sand is clear we can see a memo with a sword through his chest. He has his hand on makio's face and says something before turning to dust he is dead.

time skip the next day. I still do not know how to write smut so it will happen just not now!

i groan and sit up i think of what happened last night they even continued after i transformed into my beast form i blush and look around to see them all sleeping soundly i go and make some food and when i am done i put it on the table, they all walk in at that moment and sangye goes over to me and starts to kiss my neck i moan and say not now let's eat i say.

We all sat down and started to eat.

time skip 21 days later.
I wake up and feel very nauseous and run to the sink and start to puke (I don't get sick) I think to myself (I only get sick when I am weak, which I'm not or when I am pregnant... weight pregnant)
I squeal and wake everyone up.

miko are you ok shuang yun shouts
I am more than fine but I need to go to the doctor to confirm but I think I know what is going on. I yell excitedly then bai di comes in and asks why are you yelling.
then sangye comes in and asks what is going on?
I think I am pregnant. I shout and then it is silent. You could hear a pin drop.
what? shuang yun asks
i think i am pregnant i mean we have been doing it a lot and i just puked and i don't get sick unless i am weak which i am not so it must be because i am pregnant i say
Shuang Yun then hugs me and says you are pregnant, this is great.
the others join and i say well we don't know for certain so let's go to the doctor i also want to give him the guardian mark now so lets go.

I knock on the doctor's door and he opens up and I go to talk with him. Hey doc, can you check if I'm pregnant?
and he flips out pregnant with who's !!!!
i don't know i say, now can you check
after the doctor checks me...
you are indeed pregnant 3 weeks now
3 weeks pregnant!!! i shout i mean i have become a little fat but 3 weeks... how long will the pregnancy be?
it will take 9 weeks he says
oke i say and we go home

some time later

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