Chapter 13

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sangye pov
I open my eyes and say where am i?
(where's the person who's trying to kill me?)
I then look to the side and see a female?
(fire! Why is there fire here?!)
(i then look to my side and see that my wound is gone, i know i heal faster then others but that big of a wound would take longer), i think.
(did the female do it but how?)
( looks like she saved me and started a fire to keep warm. This is a remote area with lesser tribes. This female is alone in the mountain on a cold winter night, and she knows how to start fires. where did she come from...?)i think.
I came closer to have a closer look at her face.
She is wrapped in a light pink tail. I have never seen this before. I look at her face she... looks pretty cute up close. i haven't seen such a pretty female even in the temple. I then see her ears. They are fluffy and light pink like her hair. what species is she?)
she suddenly wakes up but i don't realize as i am looking at her tail.
I suddenly heard a really nice voice.
my, my its not good to look at a girl while she's sleeping she says
I look at the female and she looks at me.
Did you save me? I ask you to have my gratitude.
of course i did how als could do it anyway you own me now, i say.
Are you a healer? I ask , looking indifferent.
yes i know of medicine the female says.
My name is sangye. What's your name? I will introduce myself.
im yae miko the female introduced herself.
yae miko, that's such a nice name, i say.
how charming you are, she says.
(charming?) i think.
even though you look cold you are charming she says
I don't say anything and just sit and stare at her.
(all the beastkin are hiding out for the winter.why is a little female out here all alone) i think to myself.

the next morning

It's snowing less hard today. I'll go out and hunt for some prey. i say.
oh no need i will make some food she says
but we have no food i say.
I do , she says and suddenly there is meat in front of the female.
huh how did you i ask
magic is all she says
I watch as she handles the meat and goes to the fire.
I will do what I say and take the food and roast it. I hurt my hand in the process but I don't let it bother me.
I give her the food and she looks at me with a frown.
you roast the meat only to hurt your hand she says shaking her hand she then holds her hand up and says give me your hand i do it and a little light appears and the wounds are gone.
That is all I can say but instead of answering she hands me raw meat.
and says you are a snake. I imagine you don't like hot food. She starts to eat and I do too.
(I want her) I think.
i will have to go soon she says
where i ask
home my mates are waiting for me.
You can't, I say , transform into my beast form and wrap her in my body and look at her.
don't snakes hibernate? she asks
the beast who evolved into beastkin doesn't need to hibernate, I answer.
oh wow that is cool she says and then starts to touch my scales how beautiful she whispers.
(she's not scared of me. she's different from the other females) i think ( i want to wrap myself around you forever so that no one can take you away from me)
I transform back and say be my mate, I'll treat you well.
I'm sure you will but I need to ask my mates about it and we have to know each other better before we take that step, she says.
what about you come with me to my home and we get to know each other oke she says.
oke i say (i have a chance)
i then hear noises outside (shit the beast men i stole from are here)
I then look at her and say you should go.
no she says
you have to i say
Is it because those batsmen are here to kill you? she asks
How did you know I was shocked?

yae miko pov

ah how dare they come here and try to hurt you they are so dead i say.
I will handle them. I say to sangye how shocked I am.
you can't, he says you will get hurt.
don't worry i say and walk out he follows waiting to see what i will do.
I see the beast men approaching as they look at me. A little female comes here and lets us kill the monster.
excuse you, how dare you talk to him like that.
come female become my mate i can treat you well.
you're all dead i say as i put my hand up as the snow forms into water and hold them up now die for me i say and make a bobble of water around them drowning them.
I then dropped the bodies and looked at Sangye. Let's go home now. I promised my mate I'd be back today.
he nodded and asked, "Where is your home?
oh it is the mountain wolf tribe i say
oke he says and transforms and i do to he is very shocked but starts to head in the direction of the mountain. We talked a bit and I like him. I will ask about Bai di and Shuang Yun's precision but I would like to have him as a master and mate I think to myself.
I reach out through the bond and say, "I am near my master. I have found someone who has a master scent and I like him, so he is with me but I would like you to meet first.
oke makio as long as you return the save, how did it turn out with the fight? Are you hurt?
no i am not hurt and they are all dead i say
I am almost there, I will go to the doctor and can you ask Shuang Yun to also come. I am sure he is worried and I would like to make a contract with him. Also I need blood because my energy is low and I might go insane if I don't get it.
oke bai di says and the connection is cut.

We make it to the mountain and I hear yelling all round about how I have returned. I grab sangyes hand and take him to the doctor's hut.
doctor i call out and the door opens immediately nad shuang yun hugs me i hug back and i see bai di there he looks at my eyes and sees my pupils become very thin slits and pulls me out of the hug and move my head to his neck i immediately bite him and begins to bring blood.

I hear gasps and when I am done I like the sound and heal it before sitting down and seeing them all sterling at me.

I guess I should explain.
oke let me introduce myself again.
my name is yae miko nad i am a familiar

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