A Friend In Need

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~Just an episode~

Hello, I'm Alice and I love my husband. That may not be too surprising but to listen to my friends talk about their husbands you would think actually loving your husband was totally bizarre.

We called it a book club, and we met every Saturday, but we rarely if ever talked about books. It was a chance to drink wine and gossip, and that was all. I enjoyed most of the subjects we routinely chatted about but when the conversation inevitably turned to husbands and how much they were disliked, I normally felt silent.

"I think I'm going to leave Mike," said Jane. This was a little more serious than the usual husband talk, but I guess it was inevitable eventually. "He asked for sex three times last night," she continued.

"He didn't!" the others chimed in with scandalized expressions. Asking for sex as the main crime my friends' husbands commit. Most of them just don't like sex -- they will put up with it about once a month, but any more than that they see as an unacceptable imposition -- but Jane actively disliked it, at least with her husband Mike. She had told us numerous times before about how big Mike was in the trouser department and how uncomfortable she finds him when she does let him have his way with her (normally only on his birthday and at Christmas).

I love my husband and I love sex. We normally screw about four or five times a week, not that I tell my friends that, or they'd think I was gaga.

When Jane first told us about her husband's member, I was halfway through congratulating her when she and the others looked at me like I'd said I'd given up wine.

"He was like a wild animal last time I let him," Jane continued.

The last time she'd let him fuck her was his birthday, 5 months ago. I'm not surprised he was eager, he'd been going up the wall since Christmas. If I made my John go that long, I think he'd bore clean through me when I finally let him have a go.

"My Billy's the same," said Emily, "he's always asking me, but not three times in a day," she said in a tone that suggested he had murdered someone.

"I just wish he'd go see a professional," said Jane, "or cheat on me with another woman."

As she said this, our eyes met. She looked directly at me as she said she wanted her husband to cheat on her, and she kept eye contact a second or so longer than felt natural, like she was saying she meant it.

The others all laughed, but I could see a couple of them thinking it actually wasn't a bad idea.

Not long after that, the 'book club' broke up, and we all went our separate ways. I took the shortcut back to my house, across the fields, which meant it was easiest for me to enter through the garage instead of the front door, which meant no one heard me as I came into the house.

As it happened, and this is what made Jane's look to me feel even weirder, but Mike was actually at my house. He and John were in the living room drinking beer. The book club is held at a different house each week, and the husband of the host normally make themselves scarce while we talk about them behind their backs.

"You poor man," I heard John say as I emerged from the garage and into the kitchen. "However do you cope?"

"I mostly don't! I asked her three times last night, but she wouldn't. I'm absolutely going to spare."

"I bet you are; I wish I could help. I bet Alice would jump at the chance to give you a ride."

"Ha, I wish! Your missus is quite the woman. But I couldn't do that to you. Or Jane," he added after a while, but I could tell he wasn't so sure about not wanting to cheat on his wife.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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