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Creativity: 15/15

The way that the author does this story is different and unique. And the way they make this character broken but rebuild her is what I love about this story; the creativity and the detail are amazing.


So, I don't say that it's 100 percent in an original story, and the reason I say that is because I read a lot of stories where the husband will get another wife or the husband will cheat with a younger wife or a younger person because the wife becomes boring, etc. But I will say that the way that the author did it was so much detail and so much beauty is what really astonishes me because They really break this character to the point of. destruction, I want to say like they break her and, in the end, I feel like they broke her for a reason, and I love that. So, it is definitely original when it comes to how they made the character.

Storytelling: 15/15

Sorry about this my layout was wrong. I was wondering why I didn't see storytelling. The storytelling was different. I love how they did it because I felt like you were telling a story through her eyes and you could really feel her pain and her struggles and her sadness. But as the chapters progressed and. you got farther into the story, you could feel how she changed. Like her whole demeanor shifted and I love. that So kudos to the author for this.

Character: 15/15

who love how they did the characters and the reason I love how they did the characters is because you can tell that every character that they build has some type of flaw And as you read through the chapters, their flaws, you can see more and more, but you can also see them progressing as a character That's one thing that I seem to love when it comes to stories, is reading the story where the character will start an officer in way, but through trauma. or life experiences, they seem to grow into a better version of themselves. The author does this very well in this story. You can see the girl in the beginning of the story. And as you continuously read on, you see her progress into a beautiful woman. And I love that about this story. The author did a phenomenal job at that.

Story Flows: 15/15

When it came to the story, there was no errors Sentence structure. or grammar mistakes.

Cover Design:15 /15

The cover represented the story very lovely. 

Final Thoughts:10 /10

at the end of the day, I feel like this author is very talented the way that they do their characters is what I love about stories like this because the author took the time to really show the character at their weakest point, but they also showed. them progressively they showed. that becoming a better version of themselves and it's really hard to do that and execute it very well. This author executed it very lovely. You see the wife, the girl, the bank character in the beginning and how broken she is. But as you continue to read on, you see how she becomes headstrong and how she doesn't really take crap from nobody because at the end of the day she knows who she is. So this is all there really needs to be praised for the amazing job that they did with that For me, it's a story that I would continue to read. It's a story that I encourage my readers to read. It's something that I enjoyed.

Chapters I read: prolog and three chapters.

Total points:95  

Summary of the book:

𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐦'𝐬 world came crashing down when she discovers her husband's infidelity, shattering the illusion of her perfect life and the gilded cage imprisoning her. The once-promising future she had envisioned crumbles beneath her feet, leaving her stranded and alone in a foreign land.𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱 is not a force to be reckoned with - a lethal combination of brains and brawn that makes others quake in their boots. Calm and collected, he's hell-bent on claiming his throne. Everyone around him knows two cardinal rules: don't cross him, and never interrupt his prayers. Though he's a devout Muslim and a dedicated workaholic, all his carefully crafted principles honed over the years go out the window when a spikey brunette with captivating eyes and a husky voice crashes into his carefully constructed and isolated world.The sanctity of Felix's religious principles had, for a long time, kept his carnal and lustrous desires at bay, but that all changes when his eyes meet hers. Hareem, on the other hand, had given up on marriage after years of faux pretend, yet she finds herself drawn to her quiet boss with raven hair and a calm demeanour, and finds herself becoming eager to unravel the ferocity that lies behind the suits and coats, to have that man satisfy the desires she never knew she had... until him.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they cannot be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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