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Hi there! 

I'm so excited for this year's Open Novella Contest. This will be my first time entering, although I've followed the ONC for several years. It's surreal to actually be joining! There are so many great prompts, and I'd love to hear which ones everyone chose. Feel free to add your story in the comments. I'll create an ONC reading list in the coming days. 

I chose to use prompt 13 for my story: Every family has that one member of whom no one speaks, and that's you.

I wanted to challenge myself and write something outside of my usual genre. My entry, Half a Lady, is a historical fiction novella set in Regency England. If you like Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, this should be a great fit! 

Thank you for checking out my novella. I hope you enjoy it!

Half a LadyWhere stories live. Discover now