16. Chaos Theory

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Seven campers plus one more


"We still can't hear you!"

The T-Rex walks away, in one of the CCTV screens. That... Might not be so good. But I snap back to focus on Darius, Sammy and Caleb.

"Just start pushing buttons!"

Suddenly, I press a red button on on the side. We hear Darius' and Sammy's conversation much clearer now.

"-promised you all I'd get you home" Darius says. "... And I... Already lost Ben and Y/N

"Darius, that's not your fault" Sammy comforts him

"Mitch said their boat is at northwest dock. Get everyone off the island and get them out of here, now while Tiff and Mitch are busy"

"How about you?" Caleb asks worriedly

"I have to make this right."

Finally, Ben and I had enough. He walks to the mic and says, "Forget the boat Darius. Y/N and I got your back!"

"Mitch and Tiff are going down!" I add for good measure

"Ben? Y/N? You're alive?!"

"Oh right you didn't know. Yeahh." Ben remembers

"Also, we found the sound button, so we can hear you." I explain

"Bumpy, Y/N, and her friend, Sunbeam, and I defeated Toro. Bumpy and Sunbeam also say hi."

Bumpy and Sunbeam groan simultaneously.

Darius, Sammy, and Caleb stare at the camera

"I think we broke them" I say haltingly.

Yaz nudges Ben and my seats away. "Yes, they're alive and we're all very happy right now, but-"

Brooklyn shoves our seats aside, sending us completely spinning away. I laugh at the look on Ben's face. He laughs right along with me.

"Point is, we're not gonna let you do this alone." Brooklyn says. "We're in"

"You guys don't understand. You could get to the boat and save yourselves."

"No! You don't get it! We're a team, and you're one of us!" Yaz yells

"And we're not gonna let Mitch and Tiff get away with killing dinosaurs." Brooklyn adds

"It's dino-saving time! Camp fam for life!" Sammy exclaims joyfully

"So how do we stop them?" Kenji asks.

"Feed both of them to the Mosasaurus!"

We all look at Ben.

I raise my hand up slowly and meekly. "I kinda agree with Ben here."

Everyone else shake their heads.

"I really feel like we're not getting the maximum use of the Mosasaurus here guys."

They ignore him.

I just look at Ben and shrug.

"Wait. If they're going to the watering hole to kill dinosaurs..."

"Then we have to make sure there aren't any dinosaurs for them to kill!" I finish Brooklyn's statement.

"It's time for us to do what we do best" I say

"Cause chaos?"

"Get stuck in the middle of a lot of angry dinosaur fights?"

"Defeat Toro again?"

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