❄️The 6 devils ...will they last❄️

54 4 0

Creativity: 10/15

I'm not sure if there's really a lot of creativity here. It just feels like best friends getting into a squabble. I know it's supposed to be about devils, but I have three chapters, and they've never mentioned anything about devils. Or will they last? Things like that. It was just really fast and had a lot of grammar issues. And it was like all over the place.

Originality: 5/15

Yes, it was original when it came to best friends. Squabble. But then again, it is not really because best friends always squabble. My best friends and I fight a lot. That doesn't mean that I'm going to stop talking to that more. I'm going to tell them that they can't sit with me somewhere or that we can't go somewhere together. It's not how it works. So I don't. Really feel like this was original. The more I think about it.

Storytelling: 5/15

If I'm being honest, I don't feel like it's storytelling here. It's just a story that's all over the place, and it doesn't have a pinpoint of where it's supposed to be, in my opinion. So when it comes down to storytelling, I just don't couldn't. Connect any storytelling to it. Like I can't say that it's old-fashioned. I can't say it's school form. I can't say that it reminds me of this or that because it's kind of everywhere.

Character: 5/15

once again, I can't really pinpoint characters. I can't actually do it with the characters. The author seems like they have a good time set. Still, the characters are all over the place, and you really don't get a visual or a detailed description of what the characters are like and how they their personalities; the author jumps from 1 character to the next, and it's very, very confusing.

Story Flows: 0/15

There is so much wrong with this, like flow, sentence structure, and grammar issues. There's so much I could probably cut and paste a whole chapter of everything that's wrong with this story, and it is just a lot.

Cover Design: 5/15

I don't feel like the cover, and the story fit well at all together.

Final Thoughts:10 /10

know my words are not meant to be mean or malicious. Still, I do feel like all the way to go back to really prone in on what they think that their story is supposed to be about, because the way that they are doing it now, they are jumping from one thing to another and it is very confused out on what's going on. They also have not really developed their characters very well. So their characters are just kind of there without any detail of what kind of characters they are, who they are, their background story, nothing. It's just like they are in a group and then in a different group, and there's a lot of back and forth, but there's no story. For me, there's no story I can't connect with, and I can't connect with the story. The story had so much going on, and it was too fast, and it was like they would jump from one thing to another thing to back to the other thing, and it was back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. The point where I'm like, OK, weren't they just over here, but now they're over there. So, for me, I think the author really does need to go back and really evaluate their story and what they expect out of the story and what they want from their audience because the way that they're doing it now, they're not getting an audience because their audience is. Confused at what's going on. Their audience is not understanding what's going on. And it's called the six doubles. Will they last? But they never go over the devils. They never go over how the devils come about. They start off with high school students. Like, OK, did the high school students end up using, like, Ouija board? The high school students somehow summoned demons in a different form. Like, how did these devils and these unnatural beans come about? Like, this doesn't make any sense to me. There's no justification for the devil. There's no justification for the story. Nothing sounds right, or the story isn't built right. Once again, this is not to be mean or malicious. These are my thoughts; the story is not going anywhere with me. There's too much wrong with it.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:40

Summary of the book:

Read this story to find out about how a group of friends became best friends but were all attacking each other behind their back ...........a story about friendship and betrayal and how they go hand in hand ...! will they last as friends forever..........?


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they cannot be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.


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