Overlord Meeting

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It was a normal day in Hell, sinners eating others, arsonist's, blackmail and explosions happening every minute.

This day was like any other day in hell, except the most evil of lord's were heading towards one direction, a meeting to be exact. Why were they heading there?

Well a few days ago the exterminators shortened the time for the next extermination by half a year. This sent hell into a frenzy and nobody knew why this was happening.

One such being that was also heeding to the meeting was, The Soul demon. Much like other Overlords who gained tittle's by committing strange and often horrible acts, this tittle had significant meaning behind it.

Although that is for later, right now, the Overlord was walking strait ahead towards a building owned by Carmila Carmine, The Overlord of Weapons and also the meeting host.

The soul Demon walked without rush, after all why rush when he was early.

He enjoyed the look of sinners' faces when they spotted him. They all ran for the hill's and some even killed themselves to be transported somewhere else upon respawn. Not that it would save them from him if he wanted their soul's.

Finally he arrived, it was a rather tall building, windows adorning the different level's, however no other decorations were in place except an elevator door that would take him to the meeting room.

He headed towards the elevator and went up. While the elevator took him to his destination, he took notice of the Exterminators tower not too far off in the distance. It read 175 days remaining. He scoffed. The extermination day never bothered him. Unlike other Overlords, he could handle angels just fine due to his abilities.

He never tried to fight one, nor has he, but he knew that he could take them on.

Whether this was overconfidence or fact, was never tested.


The top floor opened, and he stepped out the elevator, walked down the corridor and entered the meeting room.

The room had a large table in the middle with seat's adorning the sides, some of them were already occupied. They had a lovely view of the ruinous city down below.

Walking to his chair he noticed a few familiar faces.

Carmila, her daughters, Zestial and...

???: "Alastor?"

Said demon looked at the one who called him and smirked wider.

Alastor: "William! Good to see you old chap!"

Will: "I honestly thought you died for a while."

He smiled and turned to the host of the meeting

Will: "Carmila, a pleasure as always, and Zestial..."

While Carmila accepted the greeting, Zestial was less than neutral showing signs of a glare.

Will: "Oh come on tall and dark, you aren't still mad I took your soul without permission, are you?"

Will smiled mockingly, as Zestial's glare sharpened.

Zestial: "Mayhaps thou wish to engage us in battle?"

Will knew that was an empty threat. No one in hell with the exemption of Alastor could handle him.

Will: "Fine, fine, I'm sorry, I promise to not take your soul again without permission. You're no fun"

The guest felt the room shake as Missi Zilla entered the room along with Rosie and one Overlord William Didn't know.

They all sat down in their rightful places as the meeting began.

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