❄️Mysteries Of Riverwood❄️

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Creativity: 15/15

The beginning of this story, the prologue, and everything that comes to the story start you off really strong. I really enjoyed the way that the author brought mystery to the story because at the end of the day, you're not sure what's going on. You know that people are dying, and this poor person. Our child is left alone and there. History and you. And you're just trying to figure out what's going on. That's something that you want to read in a story. Creativity and how that brings you in and makes you want to continue reading the story is phenomenal.

Originality: 15/15

Definitely is different than what I'm used to reading, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing because it's actually a really good thing because it gives you that sense of mystery, but it also gives you that sense of curiosity, like what's going on. Why is it happening? Does it have something linked to the main character? All these questions run through your mind as you read it, and it just sucks you in more because then you get into the back stories and what happened in the past and things like that. And it's like okay. Then you start to think maybe all of these things have something to do with the main character. And you wonder, is the main character the bad guy or the monster? So many questions. It's such a good story.

Storytelling: 15/15

When it comes to this, I don't feel like it's normal storytelling. I feel like it's a mixture of walking around and a haunted house and listening to or watching one of those gaming-type videos where you're waiting to jump scared. That's how I feel it. This story is when it comes to storytelling, and I'm not saying that that is a bad thing because it's very interesting to read, but it also gives you that sense of wonder and that sense of wanting to know. So, the story is unique when it comes to this story. And I am all for it.

Character:15 /15

I actually enjoyed the characters because they all had a sense of, and I love the fact that they did have that aspect because when you have characters that you can see that they are different and their personality shine through, you know, for a fact that they are going to develop very nicely with these characters, they do have a lot of back story issues. Well, not really issues, but back story conflict. And there's a lot of. The mystery behind the characters, but at the same time, the characters are young, and you can tell that they will develop into their own self throughout the story. That's something that is going to be amazing because everybody has flaws, even characters. And these characters, of course, have flaws, but they're going to grow from those flaws. And that's something that I love to read in stories.

Story Flows: 15/15

I don't see anything wrong with the story. It is very nice. It was very. Neat. There were no grammar errors. There was no sentence structure. There was nothing that made me question the stories. Grammar, or I didn't see anything that was out of place, So everything was nice.

Cover Design:15 /15

I really loved the cover. It's the cover in the story for each other perfectly. It was an amazing story and a beautiful cover.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

When it comes to this author and the way that you write, I am a big fan of them. I have reviewed a book from them in the past, and it was phenomenal. Variety and talent, everything. With this story, it is the exact same. The writing and writing. The story's variety has a log of mystery and the way the author does the characters. It's beautiful. This story is so cool and mysterious that the altars should be proud of what they are creating. As always, they are an amazing author that doesn't get a lot of credit, and they need to.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:100

Summary of the book:

Once upon a time, there were 13 friends who lived in the small town of Riverwood. They had been friends since childhood and used to play together all the time. However, when they were 10 years old, four of them ventured into the woods and stumbled upon a ghost in a ruined building. Surprisingly, they became friends with the ghost and even introduced him to the rest of their friends. But one day, the ghost killed one of their friends, causing the group to scatter and they decided to never speak of it again.As they grew older, some of them drifted apart, but they still lived in the same town. When they turned 18 and entered their second year of high school, the main protagonist of the story watched the news and learned that many students had been disappearing lately, at least one every month. He decided to go to sleep and then that exact night, he encountered the same ghost and received strange text messages. The ghost attacked him, but he managed to survive.The next day was the school's opening day, and during the pep rally, they heard the ghost's voice again. They also learned that one of their friends had been disappeared. The group decided to go back into the woods to find their friend and after finding him they took him to the hospital.They realized that it was their mistake to have befriended the ghost, and now it was back to haunt them. The group decided to put an end to the ghost's reign of terror and kill it once and for all.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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