❄️PARADISE | Caught In The Fire❄️

58 5 2

Creativity:15 /15

I don't know how the author came up with this story, but I can tell you that the way that the story is written is definitely either because the author has experience with this type of story or has written stories like this in the past. I don't know, but the way that the creativity flows in this story by itself is beautiful.

Originality:15 /15

I can honestly say I have yet to read a story like this. I have heard similar stories that are about, you know, something weird or wonky, but nothing to this extent. To me, this seems like the beginning of a dysfunctional family there's definitely more than what beats the eye. It's a test breeder on the edge of their seat from beginning to end. I think the way that the author does this story and the way it is definitely an out-of-the-box type of story makes me happy about reading it. It's a lovely story but has twists and turns, too.

Storytelling:15 /15

To me, the storytelling is more like a mystery. It's like you're in a mystery book waiting to figure out what will happen, even though it doesn't start. Oh my goodness, somebody has killed the way that the story does start off and how the story is. When you're reading it, you get certain feelings for certain characters, and you're just like, I don't know if I like this character or I don't know if I like this one, but at the end of the day, the story still is written with such style and such uniqueness that you can't help but love it.

Character: 15/15

The characters definitely have their own unique style. And that's what I like about stories, where you know that the author really puts their heart and soul into the story because each character has their own uniqueness to them. And with this story, it's no different. This story has so many beautiful characters in it, but they're all unique. And that's what you want to read in a story because if all the characters were not unique, you would get bored very easily. But with this story, each and every character has their own personality, their own uniqueness, their own style. And that is so cool.

Story Flows: 15/15

I don't see anything wrong with the story. Everything flowed very nicely. Everything was very well aligned. There were no errors that I saw, No grammar issues is nothing that sounded out of place. All the sentences were very well described. All the sentences sounded perfect. None of them sounded out of place. None of them sounded like something that I needed to have the author change. Everything ran smoothly.

Cover Design: 15/15

I love the cover. I find the cover to be extraordinary and beautiful. And it goes well with the story.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

These are stories that aren't recognized on Wattpad, and that is something that I really hope changes because stories like this, on top of so many other stories, are extremely beautiful and extremely written well, and they don't get the recognition that they deserve because, at the end of the day, the bigger stories are the ones that are getting recognized and not the smaller ones. When it comes to the story, I find that the author has so much talent and so much potential for more stories, either similar to this one or they can go a different route. But I feel like they dip their hand in a pot of gold, and it's just going to get better from here. The only issue is that this author is not getting the recognition they deserve. It is very hard to find talented writers. And this author has so much talent that it shines through. It's like they take a pen and write magic. And that is something that I don't say a lot. But with this author, they definitely have the talent. The only issue is that not many people see their talent because not many people see their beautiful stories. Another. The flaw in the site.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:100

Summary of the book:

It has been 23 years since the last time Lily was seen, leaving a new born and a broken husband behind her. Years pass by, and her only daughter "Paradise" tries to solve the mystery behind her mother's disapperance. While searching for her mother, Paradise finds herself trapped in a vicious cycle of stories that are filled with lies, and unsolved puzzles. What happens when she finds out that everyone around her is connected to the disappearence of Lily. And what happens when she figures that even Lily's truth Is a lie......Paradise | Caught in the fire ( First Part of the series)


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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