❄️Break Me & Remake Me❄️

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Creativity: 15/15

I love authors that can really bring a story to life. This author is one of those authors. I love the way that the characters are and the way that the author did the story. The creativity of the story is without a doubt, unique and beautiful.

Originality:15 /15

One thing I wanted to mention that I think is so regenerate when it comes to this story, it's the title. Break me and remake me. the way that this title is without a doubt resemble somebody that's been broken down and somebody that's building themselves back up to be a better that. now when it comes to the friendships and the sarcasm and the characters themselves, it definitely made me smile. It was very unique.

Storytelling:15 /15

Feel like when it comes to this part of the reviews, I felt like I was sitting down talking to an old friend. I didn't feel like I was really reading a book. just catching up on old times with a good friend. And that's something that's very rare for me to be able to read or to connect with a book like that. But the way that the author did the book and the way that it felt like I was sitting down connecting with each character is what made this book so unique and beautiful.

Character: 15/15

When it comes to the characters in this Book., they were charming, but they were also sarcastic. not to say that they weren't good characters because at the end of the day they were fantastic characters. They were very well written. They had their own little personalities and you could tell that they were going to have growth and that's what I love to see in any book that I'm reviewing is that a character is going to have growth and you could tell these characters we're going to grow with the story and I loved that.

Story Flows:15 /15

I didn't see any grammar issues. I did not see any structure issues and I did not see anything that didn't sound right or out of place. Everything in the story ran smoothly and there was nothing that made me question the stories structure.

Cover Design: 10/15

I Don't hate the design, but I'm not sure that the design was perfect for this story. For me, I feel like it's in between. It's a really good design for the story. but at the end of the day, I'm not sure if it fits the story.

Final Thoughts:10/10

Find that this author has talent when it comes to knowing how to make characters really shine in a story, and that's something that's hard. to do, but at the same time I do find that the characters are very interesting to read about. They have their own unique style. They have their own youth unique sarcasm. And that's something that you don't really see a lot in books that is executed very fine. and the author did execute this for very well Like I said, it was like sitting down talking to an old friend. And that's something that you don't see often.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:95

Summary of the book:

Aidan Crowley never planned on going back home.What for? To have his father spit in his face? To endure his sister's brooding glares? To face his ex-girlfriend and have to dig up some lame explanation for why he ran away?But when Lillian Crowley dies, Aidan finds himself drawn back in anyway. Just a simple visit to pay his respects - despite the dangerous waters and the sharks circling in the depths. And although the world he'd fled as a teen has changed in a lot of ways, much of it has stayed disappointingly the same. Enough so, it seems, as to bring out the worst in both Aidan and those he'd left behind.And then there's the matter of the seven sealed letters, and the warren of rabbit holes they open up beneath his feet.It's not long before Aidan is sinking, desperately struggling against chains of the past that he'd thought he'd cast off long ago, unable to break free until Lillian decides she's well and truly finished with him.He should have known: the heaviest steps a man can take are those that lead home.===============SCHEDULE: New chapters every Mon/Wed/Fri until the story concludes in April.===============Please COMMENT if you feel like it, I always love hearing what you think and what you predict might happen next. I also appreciate constructive feedback, if you have any, or you can DM that if you prefer.===============CONTENT WARNING (mild spoilers): This story contains medium to heavy themes related to generational trauma and the kinds of things that tend to cause that. The characters are dealing with some serious issues, though none of it is presented gratuitously or explicitly. Despite the heavy themes, the general tone is positive and focuses on redemption and a brighter tomorrow. I won't leave you depressed at the end, I promise!


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.


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