Chapter 5

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                              Sunny's (P.O.V)

I forgot to set my alarm last night so I ended up waking up really late. Good thing it was the weekend and I didn't have any classes or else I'd be dead.

"Hey, are you up?" Liz asked as she cracked my door open and peeped her head in.

"Yes, I just woke up," I replied while rolling out of bed.

"You must've come home late last night, because I didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah, you were asleep when I came back," I said as I looked through my drawers for something to wear.

"How was it? Did you have fun? Tell me everything!" Liz exclaimed in an overly excited voice.

I laughed. "There isn't much to tell."

"Did you drink?"

"Something like water or a soda? No, I wasn't really that thirsty."

She shook her head. "That's not what I meant."

"No," I said while giving her a look.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot you're a Christian, so that's against the rules." She rolled her eyes.

"Not to mention, I'm only nineteen," I said after finally finding an oversized t-shirt and some athletic shorts to wear.

She smiled. "That too."

"Are you cleaning?" I asked once I noticed the vacuum cleaner next to her.

"Yeah, I just finished vacuuming all the rooms. Yours is the only one left." I watched as she played with the cord.

"Oh, let me get out of your way then." I quickly grabbed a sports bra and some underwear before leaving her to it.

The lights were off in the bathroom so that meant I was free to use it, and I didn't take long getting ready. While I was in the shower I thought about what I was going to do today, and I didn't come up with much. I couldn't go to the store because Liz and Amanda went yesterday, so we had all the groceries we needed. The beach sounded nice. I might go there later today and do a quick run after dance practice.

After taking a quick shower I got dressed and put my box braids in a sloppy bun. I didn't bother with my makeup. Once I was done getting ready I turned off the lights and went back to my room.

On my way back I saw Liz leaving my room with a cleaning kit.  "Man girl, you're messy."

"Sorry," I said, biting my lips.

"It's fine. Just know it's your turn to clean next," she said as she continued down the hall.

"Got it!" I yelled after her.

Once I closed my bedroom door I grabbed my phone from the bed. I unlocked my phone to see that I had two missed calls. One was from my dad and the other one was from Kyle.

Thinking I'd call my dad later I called Kyle back.

"Hey, gorgeous!" Kyle said from the other line.

"Hey, handsome!" I couldn't keep myself from smiling. Talking to him always made me so happy. I can honestly say that he was the love of my life. I definitely saw a future with him.

"I tried calling you earlier but that didn't work out."

"I'm so sorry. I was still sleeping when you called," I said, feeling bad.

"That's okay babe. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good."

"That's good. How was the party?"

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