Chapter 1

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Sunny's (P.O.V)

I was trying to take notes when the projector screen suddenly went black. I rolled my eyes and slammed my notebook shut.

"Why does he always do that?"

It took me a second to notice that someone was talking to me. I looked over at the seat next to me and saw a girl with super black hair. She didn't look familiar. The way she was sitting there said she'd rather be elsewhere. I could've sworn that the seat was empty a while ago. She must've sat there when I wasn't paying attention.

"I don't know. I guess he wants us to fail the class," I said half jokingly.

"He needs to stop. I paid a lot of money to come to this school. He's not getting in my way anymore." I watched as she quickly gathered her things together and got up from her seat.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to tell him that we want him to stop messing with our future."

"We?" I did not want her mentioning me in her little pep talk. The last thing I wanted was to be on the professor's bad side. I needed to pass every class, but this one was a necessity. If I didn't make it through this class, I could kiss my degree goodbye.

"Oh, come on. You want him to give you a fair chance to succeed right?" What kind of question was that? Of course I wanted a fair chance!

"Yes," I replied. I suddenly realized that everyone was looking at her because she was the only one standing up.

"Then let's go ask for a fair chance," she stated. She put her long hair up and out of her face, causing Mr. Bentley to finally notice that someone else had the class' attention.

"Is there a problem Roxanne?" Mr. Bentley asked in a confused manner.

"Sit down," I whispered. " The fact that he knows your name should tell you that he cares."

"And?" she said, as if to say 'so what'. "It's not like he knows my last name too."

"Miss Smith, I asked you a question," stated Mr. Bentley who continued to sound confused.

"Nothing sir, I'm just stretching." We all knew that was a lie because she was just standing there.

"Well, can you please sit down so I can explain the project? This is what everyone will be doing for their end-of-the-semester exam."

Roxanne sat down without another word. We all watched as Mr. Bentley pulled out a stack of books from his desk. "Okay everyone, believe me when I tell you that this project is big. What I'm assigning you to do is going to determine your whole future. It's going to test everything. By everything, I mean you."

Roxanne and I exchanged 'wtf' looks.

"I'm going to pick a book," Mr. Bentley continued. "You and your partner are going to bring that book to life, in whatever way you desire to. Once you're done with the project, you will present it in front of the whole class."

I ignored the feeling of anxiety that was building up. I hated doing presentations. I almost didn't go to college just for that reason.

"The book is going to be Romeo and Juliet." We all watched as Mr. Bentley put the stack of books on his desk.

"Romeo and Juliet? Am I in the right class?! I thought this was Science, not English!" Roxanne whispered to me.

"Yeah, me too." I say after a while.

"I know Romeo and Juliet have nothing to do with this class. I wanted to give you guys a break from science so I decided on this."

No one said anything.

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