[ 016 ] the howl of a wolf.

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            AS THE SUN FADED out, the bright lights melting away to be replaced with the black of night, and their legs grew weary, the decision to set up camp and rest for the night was made

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            AS THE SUN FADED out, the bright lights melting away to be replaced with the black of night, and their legs grew weary, the decision to set up camp and rest for the night was made. Spirits were high for the group of girls. They were riding on the hope that help was just days away. All they needed to do was stick it out, brave the distance for just a while longer until they found civilisation. Though many of them did consider turning back, they persevered.

            Stevie had taken to latching herself on to the Rilke girl, remaining by her side ever since they had left the cabin. When they'd begun to set up camp, she'd almost instantly settled in next to Nola, laying out her sleeping bag before the others could. She wasn't sure what it was or why she was so determined to stick with the brunette, but some part of her, some part of her brain that nagged of Nola's ability to keep her safe.

Plus she could sense the gloominess that seemed to seep from every one of Nola's pores. All of them had noticed this, in fact. Many chalked it up to her missing her two best friends. That was the very reason as to why Van had begun telling everyone the plot of the movie 'While you were sleeping' that she had gone to see in theatres the year prior.

"So get this. After Bill Pullman falls in love with Sandra, his fucking brother wakes up, it's a whole ass mess, I mean, this dude actually thinks that Sandy is his fiancée, but she's not but—"

            The redhead's wagging tongue suddenly became trapped within the confines of her tightly shut mouth. Nobody moved a muscle as the unmistakable sound of wolves howling far off into the forest echoed through the night. A wave of fear rushed over the girls and goosebumps rose atop their skin as they sat there, surrounded by the eerie darkness of the forest, their only source of light stemming from a small fire.

            Taissa, the unofficial leader of the group, who despite being severely unnerved by the known predator's presence, she swallowed her fear and matter of factly stated, "We'll be fine. Wolves are scared of humans. Besides it didn't sound like they're very close."

Mari glanced around herself uncomfortable, the young girl clearly on edge. "Are you sure? What if it's a whole pack of 'em?"

            Nola shook her head at this. As she tightened her hold on the blanket that was wrapped around her shoulders she retorted. "No, Tai's right. They typically avoid people. There's a reason wolf sightings on roads are so rare."

Whether this was actually true or not, Nola didn't know. Telling a potential lie to appease the group was something she was more than willing to do. They didn't need to be consumed with terror as they sat surrounded by shadows. The mind was known to play its tricks and with a long trek still to be made, they needed to get a good night sleep.

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