[ 015 ] refuse to perish.

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NOLA DIDN'T WANT TO DIE. Well, it was safe to say that none of them wanted to die but Nola truly didn't want to unless it was for the greater good. If she died while trying to do something useful, something helpful then she would die knowing that she tried her best. Perhaps that was what influenced her decision.

            When Taissa had given an hour for people to decide on whether they wanted to go find help with her or not, the thought of her going off into the forest alone, not knowing if she'd ever be seen again solely so she could try and get the rest of the group help, put things into perspective for the Rilke girl. Either way, if she went along with Taissa or stayed behind, she'd end up dead from starvation and the elements. Perishing without fighting to survive was not how she wanted to go out.

Hesitation filled her every movement as the young Rilke girl approached her friend, who busied herself with tidied up the inside of the cabin. "Hey Jack, can I talk to you about something?" Nola mumbled out as she stood beside the blonde, wringing her hands somewhat nervously.

She feared the response she'd received from Jackie but knew she couldn't just leave without talking to her first. They were best friends, after all. Plus Nola knew that Jackie would understand once she properly explained her reasoning behind wanting to go.

Jackie looked up from the dishes she had been cleaning and stared inquisitively up at her friend. Her head nodded as she utter her reply, "Sure, yeah, what's up?"

            A shaky sigh tumbled from Nola's lips as she prepared herself. "About what Taissa was saying." She began to explain. Her bottom lip was constantly getting trapped and released from between her teeth as she tried her best to ease into the topic. "I think I'm gonna go with."

            The bowl that the blonde had been holding fell from her grip, crashing down into the large basin of water, splattering it everywhere. Jackie couldn't have care less though as she spun around on her heel, her eyes blow open wide and the expression on her face screaming her emotions.

            Her voice immediately broke out into a screech. "Are you crazy? You wanna just go off out into the wilderness with no fucking clue if you're gonna make it out? What the hell is wrong with you?" As she spoke, her splayed open fingers flung aggressively in the air.

Nola's eyes immediately scrunched up as the shrill yell of Jackie's voice assaulted her ears. Her friends concern was warranted but unnecessary in Nola's eyes. Whether she stayed or went, her life was in jeopardy. All of their lives were.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✸ 𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now