Chapter 38

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When Elon receives Taylor's urgent message, he can't help but find it amusing that she thinks he would believe her poor acting skills during her interview on Ellen's show. He chuckles to himself before responding, "Dear, I'm watching you right now on Ellen's show, and I must say, your acting hasn't improved much. But seriously, what's going on?"

Taylor, annoyed by Elon's lighthearted response, quickly types back, "This isn't a laughing matter. Someone is threatening me, and I suspect it could be related to whoever has been harassing you too. We need to figure this out before things escalate further." She adds, trying to remain calm despite her growing anxiety.

Elon immediately senses the gravity of the situation and responds, "You're right, we should handle this carefully. Let's work together to uncover the source behind these threats and protect ourselves. In the meantime, let's avoid any public appearances until we understand more about what's happening."

Overwhelmed by the mounting pressure, Taylor feels relieved to have someone taking her concerns seriously. Together, they devise a plan to address the potential cyberstalker and safeguard their privacy. Their communication remains discreet through the specially designed app on Taylor's secret phone, allowing them to exchange information securely.

After careful deliberation, Taylor decides to reveal her suspicions to Elon about the identity of their cyberstalker. Through their secured messaging platform, she shares her theory, typing, "I think the person responsible for these threats might be someone we both know – Kanye West."

Upon receiving Taylor's message, Elon pauses for a moment, reflecting on her words. Although initially surprised, he begins to connect the dots. He recalls instances in which Kanye targeted both himself and Taylor publicly, attempting to tarnish their reputations. Realizing the severity of the situation, Elon responds, "I understand your concern, and unfortunately, given our history with him, I wouldn't put it past Kanye. We'll look into this further and ensure we have enough evidence to substantiate our claims."

Just as Taylor finishes conveying her intentions to Elon via the secret messaging app, she glances up to find Ellen standing nearby, smiling warmly. "There you are!" Ellen exclaims. "We're ready for you back on stage. Are you okay, dear?"

Startled, Taylor hastily stows away her phone, feigning nonchalance. "Oh! Yes, sorry about that. I was just checking in with my cat's vet. Everything's fine. Thanks for waiting." She rises from her seat, eager to return to the interview and maintain her composure.

Escorted by Ellen, Taylor rejoins the audience, answering questions posed by the hostess with renewed vigor. Inside, however, her thoughts remain focused on her conversation with Elon and the pressing issue at hand. Determined to discuss matters thoroughly once the show concludes, she puts on a brave face, engaging enthusiastically in banter and sharing humorous anecdotes with her captivated audience.

Finally, after wrapping up the final segment, Ellen thanks Taylor profusely for her appearance and grants her permission to leave. Grateful for the opportunity to address her concerns privately, Taylor retreats to her dressing room, anxiously awaiting Elon's reply.

Moments later, her phone buzzes softly, indicating an incoming message. Relieved, she opens the app and reads Elon's reassuring words. "Of course, take all the time you need," he writes. "Let's reconvene when you're free to strategize our next steps. Stay strong, Tay, we've got this."

Warmed by his encouragement, she smiles, feeling bolstered by Elon's unwavering support.

Exiting the studio, Taylor checks her phone to find a notification from Elon, proposing an inventive solution to unmask their elusive antagonist. Eager to learn more, she clicks on the message, revealing his cunning strategy:

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