❄️The Beast's Untamed Desire❄️

31 4 3

Creativity: 15/15

Let's say that lights up the creativity of this story even though I'm gonna be honest, half the time I want a prince, the main character in the face. The weather the author has made him you love him but you hate him at the same time. It is tough, but it comes to me when it comes to character because I either want to love the character or hate it. In between, this author has made it unlike torn between loving and punching him in the face. But their creativity is, without a doubt, so unique and beautiful that you can't help but love the story and hate it simultaneously, and I mean this in the most respectful way ever.

Originality: 10/15

OK, so I'm going to be honest: I don't think this is an original story when it comes to the bad boy and the timid girl. I'm not saying this to be mean, but I've read a lot of stories similar to this. The one thing that I like about the story that gives it its originality is that you either get one or the other when it comes to bad-boy stories. He's very rugged and mean, or he's very soft and timid. Like the bad boy acts the way that this author did, their story is different. He's very rugged and dominant; he must be dominant. At the end of the day, he does have that soft side, too. He doesn't want to show that soft side because he is very much an alpha if you want to say. I don't believe in alpha, but some people do, so I will reference it in this review. But at the same time, you can see his soft side. A side that you're like, Oh my god, he's human, but at the same time, he will snap and be that total a hole again, and you're like, dude, what happened? I appreciate that it is definitely original, and I can appreciate a story that's not just an A-hole being an A-hole.

Storytelling:15 /15

I love storytelling. So mysterious, I want to say, when it comes to storytelling like, you get the sense of honor and respect, but at the same time, you get this sense of timidness and scarce. She is very much a scary person, and you can tell that the way the author describes each and every person is phenomenal. The storytelling is just a chef's kiss like you have the dark and mysterious side of the story, but you also have like the light and timid side of the story. They both balance each other out very nicely.

Character: 15/15

Someone says that I enjoy the characters and don't like the guy. I take that back. I love and hate him, but I really enjoy the girl. If I enjoy the girl is because I feel like she's bringing out a side of him that she knows she's bringing out in him, but he doesn't want her to bring out in him. That makes any sense. Really enjoy the characters. They are just phenomenal in how they complement each other very well, and the way the author did them is brilliant because usually you have a timid girl, and she can't change the bad boy. Or she changes him too much, but with her, I think she's changing him a perfect amount, and I am living for it like the author is doing a great job with this story.

Story Flows: 15/15

Didn't see anything structurally wrong with the story. I found that the sentences flowed very well I did not see any grammar or sentences that seemed out of place or didn't sound right. Everything flowed very well the Sentence structure was perfect.

Cover Design:15 /15

I'd actually love the cover. I find that the cover and the story actually complement each other very well. I wasn't a big fan of the cover, but as I got into the story, the covers of the story do compliment each other really well, and I started to see why the author picked that cover. They're perfect.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

At the end of the day, I find that I have a love-hate relationship with the story. Once again, I do not mean any disrespect to the author it is not meant to say that I hate the story because I don't. The issue is I have a love-hate relationship with the main male character. To love him, but I also want to hate him. I give the author props for making me conflicted with my emotions when it comes to this story. Either I love a character, or I hate a character, and this author has it to where I love and hate the character at the same time. that is very rare for me. The author gets kudos for that one because, at the end of the day, I either once again love a character or hate a character, and this author has me thinking that I don't know what I love or hate about this character. I am trying very hard to hate this character, but I can't because a little part of me loves this character. This is the reason why our system on this site is broken. I feel like this story should also have millions of views, millions of votes, and comments. It has that conflicting feel of characters to it, and it makes you want to pull out your hair because you love the characters, but you also don't love the characters. Also gives you that mysterious feel to it and that I'm living for. Authors should be very, very proud of the work that they have created in the world and the characters they have created. 'cause they're lovely and they're mysterious and they are fascinating.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  95

Summary of the book: 

'He didn't know what love was.Then she came .His untainted desire. Only his.' °•°•°•°•°•°•°"Take it like a good girl, little flower " °•°•°•°•°•°•°Angelina Rose.Just like her name pure and innocent. Kidnapped at a young age , she didn't experience a lovely childhood. But even after everything. She is the most beautiful girl. Both and inside and outside. She is the epitome of innocence and gentleness. Sometimes she over thinks too much.Alexander DeLucaA beast. Traumatized by his mothers death and his fathers torture . Life hardened him into cold-blooded, ruthless killer. He is a beast , who forgot what love feels like. A devil in disguise. He is the epitome of ruthlessness and roughness. But will it change when the beast meets his untainted desire.Read 'The Beast's Untainted Desire ' to find out.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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