❄️Aetheria Falling❄️

38 4 2

Creativity: 15/15

The way that the author wrote this story was so amazing and sad, too. They did such an amazing job with it. They had so much detail, and the story was just out-of-this-world fantastic. For me, there are not a lot of stories that I can say are perfect, but I felt that this was one of them. It was such an outstanding read, and everything in the story was just wow.

Originality: 15/15

 Now, regarding how different this story is, I didn't see anything I had ever read before. The way that the author has created this world and the way that the story is was something I felt out of a fantasy or a book like a real, not a Wattpad book. that is how amazing this story was. I thought that the story was a published book, but then I remembered that this was a story on Wattpad. But I feel that if the author did get this published, it would go far because the story is just that remarkable. 

Storytelling: 15/15

The way that the author tells this story is totally not what I am used to, but it is so beautiful that you are sucked into the story and you get a look and feel for everything when it comes to the people, the atmosphere, and everything, and that is something that I feel is very had to do but they executed it very well. The way that you are like on a rollercoaster of emotions and how you think one way and it turns out the other is just wow! I don't know how the author came up with this idea, but they should be proud of what they have created.

Character: 15/15

 All I can say is everything about this story is just lovely, even when it comes to how they created the characters. This author's love for their work and how they have built this story is lovely. Like for me, they have had to have taken years to create this wonderful world and characters. Because this work is so personal and lovely, it has been worked out and perfected for years. that is how it feels when reading it


Story Flows: 15/15

I didn't see anything wrong with the story; I didn't see any grammar or any sentences out of place. Everything flowed well. There was nothing that looked out or sounded wrong. The story flowed very well and sounded amazing. 

Cover Design: 15/15

I find that the cover and the story both fit. They complement each other very well, and they work. I didn't see that there was anything wrong with the cover at all. 

Final Thoughts: 10/10

At the end of the day, I don't say this often, but there was nothing wrong with this story, and there was nothing I could say about this story to help the author improve, for this story is perfect. I enjoyed the story a lot, and the way that the author did everything was outstanding. I  have no advice to give the author and nothing bad to say, for there is nothing to say or critique. The author did a fantastic job with this story, and it needs to be acknowledged more for the beautiful work that has gone into it. 

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  100

Summary of the book: 

When magic begins fading from the world of Aetheria, an ordinary archivist named Aureus is forced to become a fugitive when he's wrongfully accused of stealing it. For Éadaoin, the loss of all magic means facing past sins when a friend she cursed comes back for revenge. For Kairos, it means using his natural ability to slow time for a last minute reflection. For Ashe, the failure of magical technology becomes a chance to survive grief and start again. But something terrible looms on the horizon for everyone in Aetheria... The Deathless, immortal creatures only vulnerable to magic and bent on ending all life, are coming.Without magic and the fae courts to fight the Deathless, humanity will not survive unless Aureus can escape his former home and journey into a dying world to discover the secrets of his past.Aetheria Falling is the first in a series of three short story collections that explores just how personal the end of the world can be.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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