❄️The Lethal Heptagon❄️

23 3 21

Creativity:15 /15
This is a phenomenal story. I must say the way that the author writes the story is fantastic. It is such a gem to read, and the author's creativity with this story is beyond mind-blowing.

Originality: 15/15
I honestly do not think I've ever read a story like this, the detail, the suspense, and the mystery all wrapped in one. This story is, without a doubt, fantastic, and I don't understand why people aren't reading stories like this one because this story has everything you need.

Storytelling: 15/15
In the middle of the story is written it's like you're sitting in one of those mystery offices trying to figure out what is going on with this guy and what he's gone through. He was trying to help him solve what had happened to his girlfriend. But also try to help him with everything that he's going through because the guy definitely has PTSD. But the story and how it is written are so detailed and beautifully written that I'm mind-blown. Why haven't people picked this story up?

Character:15 /15
I find that the character in this book is unfortunate because of what he's going through, but I can also connect with him because he wants to understand what happened to the love of his life. He wants to know why they did what they did to him. He wanted all that information to figure out what they did to her, and I loved that. I feel like he was trying to get Justice for her.

Story Flows: 5/15
I was able to figure out how to do this, which makes me happy because I'm now able to show the authors what I saw. And what didn't sound right when it came to sentences? This is from the prologue and chapter one. In The prologue, it says what I have highlighted. But I feel like I should be me because it just doesn't sound right how you word it.

 But I feel like I should be me because it just doesn't sound right how you word it

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Now, once again, when it comes to this one. It also doesn't sound right. I certainly didn't thought does not sound right. It should be something like I certainly didn't know. Those are the only two issues I had with this sentence regarding sentence flow and set instructions. To me, they did not sound right in my head and out loud. Other than that, everything else flowed very well.

 Other than that, everything else flowed very well

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Other than that, everything else flowed very well. The story was very well written, as was the rest of it.

Cover Design: 15/15
I love the cover. The cover fits perfectly with the story. I didn't see a problem with the cover and the story work.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
At the end of the day, the story was phenomenal. I think more stories like this need to be recognized on Wattpad because this story was definitely something that I would put into my library. It's fantastic to read, I would also say that I would change the prologue and authors don't. I would put the author's note first and then the prologue because you put the prologue first and then the author's note. Your readers are going to get confused I know I did.

Chapters I read:
Prologue and three chapters

Total points:  90

Summary of the book:

Those people are hiding under the darkness. That sect, which is responsible for carrying out illicit acts that fragment the law and order that govern the cities of Wellington and Claudial; making coexistence in them more unsafe. Many have already been direct victims being killed and liquidated. Others, indirect victims, suffering and being tormented in the grief stage by the loss of some or all of their loved ones. The second thing is what happens to me. l am Lucas and since they ended her life tearfully, the most significant person for me, I have lived in constant psychological war. But now, I've made my mind not to stop. I'm going to find them. I'm going to avenge her murder no matter the cost.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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