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As an attempt to reconcile and avoid the same events that happened Monday, I opt for leaving for class earlier than I'm used to, but it'll be worth it when I don't have to see Elias.

It's the way that I say that every morning but I still end up running into him that makes me want to actually rip my hair out. But, I started today with a positive note and that's how I'm gonna end it. It's the in between that scares me the most.

When I get to the lecture room- happy I know where it is now- it's still relatively full. I'm not sure what seats are claimed and what aren't so I go for a strayed table at the back. There's two seats to a table in this classroom so I'm praying that the person that sits next to me is somewhat bearable- or, if no one sat next to me instead, that would be most ideal.

I like being alone most of the time. Not because I have to, but because I choose to. Being alone deletes any chance of conflict, any chance of feeling like you're unwanted or that your presence is a burden. This last year alone I've spent more days alone than I have with someone but that's the way I like it. There's no chance of me being hurt again.

I decided to distract myself by taking out my laptop and setting myself up for class. I took the liberty of reading- more like skimming- the syllabus last night so I know what and what not to expect.

The professor walks in and I physically relax when I realize that I got lucky with no one besides me. I wonder where Elias sit's so I can make faces at him behind his back.

As I'm searching the room to find him for malicious purposes only, the chair besides me scrapes against the floor, distracting me from my trance. I don't register who's to the left of me for about five seconds before fire settles in my bones and I have the urge to scream at the top of my fucking lungs.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper shout- narrowing my gaze at Elias. "This is my seat- go fucking sit somewhere else."

Elias rolls his eyes, completely ignoring me and sitting down instead. He drops his bag to the floor and settles down, spreading his legs out while leaning his back against the chair.

"No other seats available, Hart. Guess you're stuck with me." He grins, giving me a wide-toothed smile but the same hatred that I have for him in my eyes is clear in his too.

"I don't care." I hissed at him. I'm almost sure he's getting off from this right now. "I was here first. Sit on the floor for all I care. Just get away from me." I grit out, refusing to back down.

Elias opens his mouth to make what I assume is a snarky remark before the professor beats him to it, and instead asks us, "Is there an issue in the back there?"

My face pales when I realize that everyone just witnessed our argument. Goddammit. Why is it always when I'm near him that this shit happens to me?

"No, sir." I answer quietly, Elias keeping his mouth shut. Good. If I have to hear his voice one more time I might just castrate him.

"Good." The professor concurred. "If there's an issue, you can leave. Myself and other student's don't need to be distracted by your immaturity."

My mouth gapes open, no words leaving my mouth. I can feel myself going red, but instead of saying anything back I just nod my head and slouch in my seat.

Elias snickers from beside me, most definitely trying to test my limits. Ignoring him, I take out my laptop and make a document to prepare myself to take notes.

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