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I pissed her off. Again.

I didn't mean to, actually, but when I felt her eyes on the back of my head it's like my body compelled me to go towards her for a reason that I don't know why.

It's all fucking bullshit. I can't stand her.

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not as presumptuous as she makes me out to be, but with her? She ticks off boxes that no one has before, and that riles me in a way I can't control.

That girl has a mouth on her- something I won't deny. Ever since we crossed paths last semester when she first got here, my smoothed, laid out plans have become tarnished- and it's all her fault. My one and only goal is to get drafted, but my parents are forcing me to get a degree in case of any setbacks.

Becoming a sports commentator seemed like the perfect fit. I've loved hockey pretty much my whole life, and if for some reason I can't play it, that won't stop me from watching it.

Majoring in broadcast journalism with a minor in sports communication seemed like the ideal plan. It would get me exactly where I needed to be but with Rowan in one of my classes, I'm not sure how I'm going to survive.

I decided to hold off on the news that she's stuck sitting with me for the rest of the semester just now. I'm not trying to have my balls strung on my bedpost by her.

It turns out that we were both the last one's to get to class and that the whole room was already filled. It's no secret that the seat you sit in on the first day of class is the one you're stuck with for the rest of the semester.

I can practically already envision smoke leaving her ears when she finds out, and I'm not sure why that makes me excited, but it does. If she wants to rile me up, I have no issue returning the favor. In fact, I'd probably do it either way.

I exit the coffee shop and head to my communications class. Syllabus talk fucking sucks but once the professors get past that, I find college to be somewhat bearable.

I may be at Boston U with an athletic scholarship but that doesn't mean I didn't work my ass off to get the grades I did in high school as well as maintain a constant schedule with hockey. I mean, I had to if I wanted to get out of that place. Away from the talk, away from the rumors.

There is absolutely nothing that could have made me stay in my small rural hometown. My parents knew I had to get out. Being away from my brothers and sisters is hard, but with our countless FaceTime calls and me visiting every break, it makes up for it somewhat.

The guilt that I have for leaving them will never not be there. For missing out on the twins growing up, missing family get togethers with my cousins. I'm constantly reprehended for my absence but I had to do something for myself for once in my life.

After finishing up my coffee, I throw it in the nearest trash can before meeting up with Aidan outside of the classroom.We don't have a ton of classes together but because his major is communications, this class was a given.

He nods his head as a greeting when he sees me before going back to typing furiously on his phone. His brows are drawn together and there's a frown forming on his lips.

"What's up?" I ask him, nudging him out of his trance.

Aidan lets out a sigh before running his hands through his hair, a frustrated growl escaping him. "Coach is on our ass about the pre-season game from a couple of days ago. He's banning us all from attending any parties for a while."

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