🔪 flesh, flavorful

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TW: blood, gore, etc.

Get the game on itch.io! It's really great

"What... what just happened...?"

Everything blurs before Rody's eyes as the dim light flashes out of the refridgerator. Moonlight glints on the cooking knives and culinary utensils. He suddenly remembered that necklace on the counter. Right, he was in the kitchen. And Vince! Did Vince knock him unconscious? Where is the necklace?

Rody got to his feet and swiftly fell on his chin which was extremely painful. "Shit, can I use matches?" He felt around in his pocket. Thank god he had bought those earlier. They burned through the rope and Rody stood up and broke the door somehow. He walked into the place where chefs cook. Now he just has to reach the front door about 20 meters away how hard could that be lololol

The door to Vincent's office suddenly opened and the dark haired (very sexy) man walked out. Noticing Rody, his black eyes glared menacingly. Unfortunately he was not rody's boyfriend but was going to eat him instead :p




"Vince... wait uhhh we can talk this out!!"

Vincent ran full speed towards him and knocked into him, immediately biting into his ear. Rody hesitated for a moment before the pain sank in. "AHHHHHHHHHH"

Huh? Rody tastes different. The chef stood up, staring emotionlessly at Rody, who was still screaming
"You can shut up now, no one else is here to save you." said Vincent calmly, wiping the blood away from his mouth.

"You're crazy! Why? Why?? What did she do to you? What did I do to you?"

"Oh, that woman who dumped you? Why do you still care about her?"

"Does life and death not matter to you!?!?" Rody shouted, backing away from him.

"I mean... I prefer people raw than cooked... if that's what you mean..."

"Get the HELL away from me!"

Vincent stared at him and broke into a laugh. "Do you think you're the one who can make that choice right now? You've mistaken you position, Rody." He looked at him straight in the eye and lowered his voice. "Livestock don't beg for their lives."

He moved forward and clenched his teeth deep into Rody's neck narrowly missing a vital blood vessel, pulling apart with blood dripping down his chin. Rody tried to push him away but Vincent caught his hands. Tears were forming in Rody's eyes from sheer pain. It was burning, it was inhumane, it was pure hell. Yet there was nothing he could do.

Vincent caught hold of his arm and bit into it as well, savoring every piece of flesh. It was so warm, so fresh, he couldn't resist taking more-- no, wait, if I finish him now, what will satisfy me later? He paused and wondered, staring at Rody whose eyes were shut tightly, his hand gripping at his apron, a pool of blood forming under his body. But he wasn't screaming anymore, so he probably lost enough blood to faint.

A slight sneer came from him as the idea emerged. He grasped into his dark ginger hair smeared with blood and dragged his body into the hallway.


I'll be posting new chapters every 1-3 days for now. Hope you enjoy this gay ass fanfic :))

 Hope you enjoy this gay ass fanfic :))

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Livestock don't beg for their lives~ (vincent x rody)  ;))Where stories live. Discover now