Arc 1, Chapter 7: Is There a Brighter Side?

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Balloon gently lifted his head from the pillow, and rubbed the dry tears from his eyes. He looked back at the feathers that decorated his wings and looked at it cautiously. He was still curious, of course, but that didn't mean he wanted this.

The feathers, as Nickel said before, were soft. He ran his hand across them, but didn't fit the same feeling as he did when someone else pet them. He frowned.

He ran his hands upwards against the feathers and yelped. "Ow...!" He winced. "Note to self... don't push the feathers the wrong way..."

He looked over to Nickel's bed to see he was starting to wake up. He bit his thumb and looked away, he didn't really want a confrontation after what happened last night. He didn't want Nicke to be mad at him. Or at least, more angry than he was already.

Nickel sat up and groggily looked over at Balloon. He gave a quiet sigh. "Let go down to breakfast I guess..." Nickel muttered as he slid out of bed.

"What...?" Balloon replied with a startled tone. He didn't want to go downstairs! Everyone would freak out! Or yell! Or— or—!

"I said let's go. I'm not allowed to leave you alone remember?" Nickel spoke a bit louder. Trying to get Balloon to go.

"I can't! Everyone will—!"

"Balloon... You can't just hide in here forever." Nickel shut his eyes tightly and slightly leaned against the door frame before opening them. "You'll seriously be fine, alright? Now let's go." Nickel jerked his head to the side signalling to Balloon to follow him.

Balloon looked very nervously. And then pulled his blankets closer to himself.

"Balloon... You're acting like a three year old. Get out of bed, and eat! We can come back after alright?! Just rip off the stupid bandaid." Nickel snapped.

Balloon frowned more and got out of bed. His wings dragging against the floor behind him. They were very heavy. Very VERY heavy.

"Finally..." Nickel breathed a sigh of relief. He was hungry and just wanted to eat something. And talk to someone about what the hell was going on.

They both walk down the hallway. Balloon was gripping the sides of his arms and gripping them harder with every step. He felt sick with anxiety. He didn't understand how Nickel could... just not care!

Nickel walked slowly just keeping his eyes ahead of him. Trying his best not to glance at the boy behind him. It was very hard, his curiosity... and... confusion as to why Balloon didn't want attention from these new and incredible abilities. It just didn't make sense to him. He kind of jus assumed Balloon wanted attention.

Why else would he be here?! After all even Nickel admired his insistence on staying at the hotel. Even after the hell he's been through in his life, and here. He'd rather stay here. With people he knows hate him. Unless... the Factor is he knows them... Nickel broke and looked back at Balloon.

"Why do you stay here? If you're so worried about people I mean." Nickel asked.

"Where else would I go?" Balloon muttered, as he kept his eyes to the floor.

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