Arc 1, Chapter 5: Opposites Attract.

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Microphone rushes into the hotel, only to immediately bump into TestTube. "W-Woah!" She stumbles back and luckily falls back against the door she had shut behind her.

"Sorry!" Test Tube quickly help Microphone stand. "OJ called me and said it was an emergency... I'd appreciate if you didn't run into me, I could drop all my equipment... I-It could ruin everything!" Test Tube huffed.

"I didn't mean to..."

"Considering your past actions... I-I wouldn't put it past you." Test Tube replied bitterly.

Microphone held back her urge to tell Test Tube what actually happened. But it would comply the safety of herself AND Taco... So she pushed the words back down and just mumbled out an: "Okay..." before walking past Test Tube towards the kitchen.

OJ came down the stairs and ran up to Test Tube as Microphone turned the corner.


Microphone entered the medical room through the door in the kitchen and clutched the plastic back she grabbed in the way in. She grabbed cloth, items to clean Taco's wounds, bandages, and a blanket. It was cold outside after all.

She was about to turn and leave when suddenly she heard someone call from behind her.

"Where do you think your going with that?" Knife walked out from next to one of the medical beds. He had a bandage on his arm and his fists looked like they had been bleeding.

"I-... Uh... H-hurt........... Myself???" Microphone was a terrible liar.

"..." Knife looked incredibly disappointed. "I thought you were staying away from her? What happened to that?" Knife grumbled bitterly

"Look... It's important..." Microphone said sadly.

"Right... So when she betrayed your trust... That's all of the sudden sidestepped for a "important" important scrape?"

"Well, no...! But I cant just let her be in pain like that! It's not right... and... it's more then just a scrape..." Microphone retaliated.

"I knew it... you're running back to her... Is Pickle, Soap, and I not enough for you—?!" Knife fumed.

"No! N-no! You guys are wonderful friends! And I'm not running back to her! Will your grudge fuelled by Pickles hate be thrown aside for five minutes?! You're going to get her killed!" Microphone yelled angrily.

"MAYBE SHE DESERVES TO BE! All she does, is do HORRIBLE SHIT. And say she's 'Sorry' or... she's 'changing' WHEN NOTHING CHANGES. She hurts you... and she hurts Pickle, so why the hell do you run back to being her puppet?!" Knife lectured in fit of rage.

"Maybe there's a reason she's LIKE THIS!" Microphone yelled back.

"NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE GOOD ONES MIC! WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT? EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET YOU! I'm TRYING to HELP!" Knife took an angry step closer pointing a finger at Microphone as he said 'you'.

"Well if EVERYONE is out to get me how do I know you aren't as well?!" Microphone clutched the bag in her hand tighter and left with a huff.

She knew he was right to some degree... But... She wanted to believe that underneath that shell, Taco was a good person at heart. She still didn't know how to forgive her but, she wanted to believe it was possible for Taco to change.

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