❄️Their Little Princess❄️

35 4 2

Creativity: 15/15
I like the creativity when it comes to the story. I think it's very creative, and the way that the author writes everything is very unique. It's something that I'm enjoying.

Originality: 10/15
I'm not saying that it's not original, but I read many stories where a student or a family member will go abroad. To get a better education, and that's okay, it still brings very much an exciting story and creation. But I'm unsure if I would consider it an original story. I don't know if it's just how it is because it is slightly original. It's different, but the whole thing that gets me is the abroad. I read many stories about a family member, as I said, or somebody, whether it be a maid, etc., who will go abroad to educate themselves better so they can succeed in the life they feel they deserve or need.

Storytelling:15 /15
The storytelling is definitely there; I appreciate it because it's an excellent story. The names are unique, and I love that it gets choppy in certain parts of the story. You phrase or use many exact words, which deters from the story. But it's still an excellent storytelling, and I think that just a little editing would make it a little better. But it's enjoyable.

Character:15 /15

I feel like the story and the characters will develop, which I can't wait to see. She can tell some of them fear going abroad, but the other two always have her back, and that's what I love to visit. The development is there, and the emotions are there. What I look for when creating a character and character development is there. Your character is scared she's going abroad. She doesn't know how she will adapt to it. She does have family there for her to help her through it, and she's not going to be there alone. But you can sense and connect with the character and what she's going through. That's what I mean when I talk about character development. If you can't connect with the character, your character isn't developing. You want your audience to be able to communicate with your character so you know that you are developing your personality as it should be. You want everybody that is being your story to feel that emission and that's what I think with your character. So, I definitely can connect to your characters.

Story Flows:15 /15
Once again, I think a little editing will do it justice, but I found the story exciting at the end of the day. Everything did slow very nicely, and I can respect that, but it does need some editing and a little love. But besides that, it was a perfect story.

Cover Design:15 /15
I can't say that the cover is adorable. The title is very nice; I feel it's off a little, though. So it makes it hard to see that it says their little princess. So you might want to change the font, but besides that, it's a lovely cover.

Final Thoughts: 10/10
The stories are excellent; regardless of what people might think, it's incredible. It is exciting, and though it needs some editing, I find that things flow well, the characters develop well, and the story will be good when it is completed.

Chapters I read:  two, I believe, but one seems like it was a small prologue, so I'm unsure

Total points:95

Summary of the book:

She was the most innocent soul , he was a playboy . Argh..... again a regular playboy and innocent girl cliche. Calm down guys, there are twists ,you never know until you read it. Believe me the the beginning of the story is completely boring , even I may start snoring reading it .😅The beginning was written few years back , and I am back again to complete it after a period of hibernation. During this time period my writing changed. Huh ! You don't believe?I think you need to check out the story yourself 😉.


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