[ 011 ] warning of the wild.

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            NOLA HAD STUCK TO her word and had refused to climb those steps and enter the attic

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            NOLA HAD STUCK TO her word and had refused to climb those steps and enter the attic. The others hadn't taken the young girls warning seriously when she spoke of the unease that the attic provided her every time she thought of it.

Out of them all, only six of them had remained downstairs and away from the stupid seance. Nola, Taissa, Stevie, Javi, Laura Lee, who refused to mess with the 'occult' and Coach Ben who physically couldn't get make his way to the attic. Every so often, a mixture of chuckles and giggles would emit from those in the attic, receiving a roll of the eyes from Taissa, Nola and Stevie.

To distract herself, Nola had taken to reading a random book she had found amongst the dead cabin guys things. Most of his stuff had been absolutely covered in mould and mildew, with only a few things surviving the numerous weather changes that had occurred since his death. That book being one of them though unfortunately for the brunette, it had been written entirely in French leaving her to gaze over its contents and pick out all of the random words she remembered from French class.

So far, in the ten minutes she had sat there, she had only managed to pick up seven words. Seven words in thirteen pages. A deep sigh had rumbled within her chest as she relaxed further into the chair she sat in, curling her legs closer to her chest and welcoming the warmth that her blanket provided.

Stevie had stationed herself on the floor, directly in front of the chair that the Rilke girl had claimed. As the fire burned brightly, emitting a wonderful heat that enveloped her, her head had slowly tilted back as sleep took her, leaving her head to rest upon Nola's blanket covered feet.

When Nola had uttered her concerns for the seance, Stevie had been the only one to truly take her seriously. The fear that had swirled violently in Nola's eyes was enough to convince the McClane girl to remain downstairs and away from dirt and deer blood.

"If you thinking about flying that thing, you're even crazier than those idiots upstairs." Taissa spoke up from across the room. She was glancing over at the blonde beside her who had been perusing the pages of the passenger plane's instruction manual.

Ever since they had found that plane and both Jackie and Van had nearly been decapitated by its spinning propellers, Laura Lee had been pouring herself over that manual every chance she got.

Laura Lee shrugged. "My grandpa used to fly a Cessna and he could barely write his name." A gentle smile tugged at her lips as she continued, "Can't be that hard."

The Turner girls brows furrowed, her lips fixed into a frown and she stared hard at the blonde. Laura Lee let out a reluctant sigh. "Okay, fine. It's probably hard. But there's no harm in reading about it."

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✸ 𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now