❄️Reflections Of Choice❄️

58 5 4

Thoughts: I'm enjoying the story a lot. I think the thing that I love the most about the story. As the author describes this scenario, you always see fight or flight. And that signifies a lot in a story; fight or fight means that the main characters are in danger, the third brain their body, everything that they're doing is fight or flight mode. Many people don't understand what fight or flight means when it comes to a person and their reaction, but this author does. They write it beautifully. They write it as it should be written, and I respect the author for that. Because it's lovely, it is written so beautifully and brings out the fear that the character in the story has. I love the story so far. It is a very original story. It's an immaculate story, but it does need a little bit of editing. I noticed that, but that's the only thing that threw me off guard. I'm unsure if the author is American or from somewhere else because I say car, and they say scooty. So, it threw me off guard on that one. It took me a while to get used to that word, but that's okay. It still doesn't see the gate from the story. It's a beautiful story. This author has something going on with this story. It is amazing. I am enjoying this story. It's sad because she's being followed, but at the same time, it is so beautifully written and flows so nicely, like I have nothing wrong to say about this story. They executed very well. It's like a story I would read if I'm drinking tea or reading at night before bed. It's a unique story, but at the same time, how they describe everything is just perfect. It's a perfect story.

Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚
🪷A. D🪷

Percentage: 100%

Chapter I read:2

Recommend yes/ no?yes

Summary of book:




"You were missing me, Sia?" Haider whispered, and his gaze moved hotly over my breasts.

"N-no. Somebody might come you know," I reasoned with him, and tried to push his body, pinning me against the wall.

"Answer my question, first," he bit my earlobe and my entire body vibrated with a need so strong that, my toes curled in delight.


The girl Alessia Dash is someone, who believes in cliché and has always wished for a happily-ever-after, just like in her favourite romance books. Little did she know, that life is always dependent on the choices we make, and their reflections, were far more dangerous.

When bad choices put Alessia to rock bottom. What choices will she make to piece back her life together?

Haider Roy is a mysterious boy, who believed life was worthless despite getting a second chance to live. He never cared enough to indulge himself with anyone because of his dark past.

How will two stubborn characters: Alessia and Haider, find out each other's secrets, when they won't even talk with each other?


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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