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After recess, Mindy was heading to class when she was stopped by one of the "cool kids" in the school.

"Mindy," Stacey begged. "Can you help me finish my homework?"

"No," Mindy replied. "You should have done it at home."
Stacey is Mindy's classmate from class 4-3. Her grades are not good, but she is known throughout the level for her rich family and sassy personality. As a result, she is technically a rival to Mindy, another popular girl in the level. She is a social butterfly as she is friends with half the Primary 4 cohort.

However, Mindy does not think the same. Mindy feels that social status wouldn't bring one far if they lack values. She also thinks popularity is just a bonus in life, and it's something that can't be rushed. Some way or another, Mindy is still popular.
This day, Stacey was doing whatever she could do to favour Mindy. She bribed Mindy to do things for her, just for Mindy to get into her "cool girls" clique. However, Mindy either rejected Stacey or snapped at each request.

Finally, Poor Mindy could not tolerate the begging and decided to confide in Tabi. That was what she did after school.
After lunch, Mindy closed the room door behind her and turned the TabiTablet on. "Hi Tabi," Mindy greeted. "What should I do? There's this pesky girl in my school who keeps making me do things I'm not supposed to! I keep rejecting her!"

"Yup, that's what you're supposed to do!" Tabi replied enthusiastically. "Which means, it's time for the Integrity Badge!"

However, before Mindy could reply, she was sucked into another dimension.
In the lobby resembling that of Squid Game, Mindy and 199 other players stood solemnly. In front of them read: Integrity Game. 3 different boys slid in and began to explain the rules of the game.

The players would be given 6 different challenges of increasing difficulty, but all the challenges have one thing in common: They test the player's Moral Righteousness. The challenges will be released randomly in the player's life, and whether the imager wins depends on how he or she deals with it. The results of the challenge will be revealed through Messages.

Losers will have a plague shortly after the game period. What's worse is players cannot choose their challenge. The silver lining? The champion will be rewarded, although not with Material Objects.

"If you want to withdraw, do so now," the robot demanded. Everyone stood in denial. "Well, since no one wishes to withdraw, the games will start, one by one. Good luck."
Mindy landed in her room again. Although she wasn't sure what was going on, the Integrity Game would be a good way to exhibit the true Moral Potential.

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