❄️To Steal A Weeping Window❄️

76 5 2

Thoughts: let's start with the prologue; for me, it is powerful, like how it drives you in with all the details. It makes the story like whoever reads this story. Once you read the prologue, you're sucked in; you want to know more. What happened to this painting? Who stole the image? How did they get the painting things like that? It's very detailed and very beautifully written.
Chapter 1: This is another excellent chapter. You can feel the sadness of one of the main characters because she significantly looks up to this girl and loses the painting. It's very Troublesome because she wants to do good, and you can see that, but losing the picture at the end of the day is very sad. Everything flows nicely, and I love that it's well-written. It's adorable, very subtle, and not too dramatic. It has a lot of originality, which I can appreciate with this author. It's a charming story. As I read chapters 2 through 5, I realized that everything flowed nicely. Reviewing all the chapters, I realize the author did a fantastic job. There are so many beautiful details in the stories. I love that there's a quote at the top of each of the chapters that's just beautifully written. The author has beautifully written Concepts. The story flows very nicely and never leaves you wondering or confused. The characters are charming and intriguing. It is about a painting they are trying to find because it's precious. I think the author executed everything very well. The originality is lovely, the storyline is terrific, and the way it's written is phenomenal. Hands down, it's an incredible story. Creativity is fantastic. I have nothing negative to say about this story; it's a very well-written story. It feels more like an investigation-type story, like trying to solve who stole the painting and why.
Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚

🪷A. D🪷


Chapter I read:5

Recommend yes/ no? I would recommend this book because it's a very intriguing book.

Summary of book:

Someone stole the Weeping Widow. The priceless artwork is gone, ripped from its place on the wall and leaving only broken glass behind. The pride of Whitehill Museum and Art Gallery fell victim to heists in the night, and the museum is determined to find the painting and nail the culprit. She's been labelled the main suspect after being found at the scene of the crime. He's been hired to protect Whitehill and keep the rest of the art safe. Both with a job to do at the museum, and both determined to fix broken reputations. But the biggest question of all haunts the exhibits they roam: who stole the Weeping Widow?They painted her the villain. He's learning art is open for interpretation.
"Art is to be seen, not touched." His breath curled next to my ear. "But I'd do anything to touch you.""Are you saying I'm art?" My heart knew no limit as it pulsed in my throat, right where his lips began to hover. "As beautiful as what hangs in the Louvre, and just as forbidden to touch."

Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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