Exciting Announcement

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Hello Hawk-ers!

Well, this is exciting. It's been several winters since I've posted a proper update on HAWK - I thought its glory days were long in the past - but would you believe, it turns out I have some really cool and unexpected news to share.

You might be aware that some stories here on Wattpad have been adapted into films and TV shows, and I am delighted to say that HAWK is in the very early stages of being adapted into an animated series by Wattpad WEBTOON Studios!

When I say the early stages, I mean that the story is being adapted into a scripted format which will then be presented to various studios for production, and while there's never any guarantee that they will give it the green light, when I tell you who is adapting it, you may understand my excitement.

If you're a fan of the Marvel and Star Wars films and TV shows, you might have seen the name Christopher Yost among the credits. He was a writer on Thor: Ragnarok, Thor: The Dark World, Cowboy Bebop... Oh, and a little show called The Mandalorian. He's also written comics for Marvel and DC and scripted for a bunch of animated series, including Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Star Wars: Rebels, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

And now, he's going to write the series for HAWK...

I am struggling to find the right combination of words to convey what this means to me. I have a habit of shooting myself down when I stumble into good fortune - I've struggled in the past with self-belief - but knowing that there are truly talented people out there who have attributed worth to something I created fills my heart.

If you have read (or are about to read) HAWK, then thank you, because none of this could have happened without your support. If you'd like to stay updated with the latest news, be sure to follow me and add this book to your reading list for future announcements.

Here's to venturing into the unknown.

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