Battle of South Japan Sea(I)

487 14 6


Oured,Osea Federation


"What is it?"-Ander said while still looking at the report-"Is it emergency?"

"Yes,the LRSSG Hawkeye squadron had encountered two unidentified hostile squadrons from the Japanese mainland...but they are not launched by the JSDF,we've confirmed with them,the Hawkeyes managed to shoot all of them down without casualties tho..."

"I already know it"-he remain calm-"Call the Alicorn and Hawkeye squadrons,tell them that they must ready within two more days,this can escalate the aggression in the region,we must leave,now go"

Two day later

"It's a requiem,set off as soon as we're ready"

From the harbor of Nagasaki,the Alicorn set sail again,this time to Osea Federation.Under a week,almost all of the submarine is recovered,but they cannot fix the most important thing:the damage to the aircraft-launcher was to significant to be repair,the submarine can't dive for too long,as well as the aircraft can't be launch,this mean that they depend on the Osean escort to take them to their new home.

"I've see them,direction at 2 o'clock,12 Raptor,1 Sentry,Hawkeye squadron"

"Good,let's go"

Somewhere in the harbor

"They are leaving the port,allow to start the operation sooner?"

"Approved,all aircraft,ready to take off,I will report this to Liaoning,they will help us"

On the sky

<<La la la la la~>>-a traditional Usean song broadcast across the radio channel

<<Mobius is getting brighter than I knew>>-Trigger tells Blaze through secret radio-<<When we were at the recruitment center,she looked way colder,I even felt fearful,do you know why?>>

<<That ace title,it is a step to get over her dad's shadow,no wonder why she's so happy about it>>

<<That's a good explanation,and to be honest,I want to see her like this too,those beautiful voice,I want to listen to it in the rest of my life>>

<<Yeah she's a good at singing,but silence>>-Long Caster-the one that just arrived a day before to join them-cut down the chit-chat-<<Our singer stopped suddenly after hearing what you said Trigger,you forgotten to turn on private chat,I know what's happening inside her aircraft's cockpit>>-Caster check the health monitor-<<so I recommend you to stop.>>

<<Oh...okay,sorry Mobius,by the way what is that song named?>>

<<F...fine,no problem"-for the first time,they heard Mobius stutter-"I don't know,I met two girls whose grandpa is an Erusian ace pilot that is my father's friend after the war,they used to sing that song a lot.>>

<<Is that Miha...>>

<<Bogeys detected 100 miles away,another group from 120 miles away>>-Long Caster warning-<<They are heading toward us,all aircraft and Alicorn,prepare if we need to engage,In case of attack,split into two group,Blaze and Mobius will lead,are you clear?>>

"Roger that"-Blaze and Mobius said,without hesitate

<<I can't connect to their position,the signal is unknown,I will call the headquarter and our allies in Japan if they can help,stay caution>>

The bogey squadrons start to get closer

*r...r....r*-the radio signal is connected

<<Kitsune 1 warning F-22 squadron,stay away from the submarine,otherwise we will attack>>

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