Chapter Twelve | Luminous Green

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There was no sign of Zoe.

Another corpse lay in the snow burnt to a crisp, and since the smoke was coming from it, the girl couldn't be far.

"Search the area," Elijah told Jake. "Find a trail."

With a nod, the pardus began sniffing and scurrying around.

Elijah tried searching himself, but what Luell told him was rolling around inside his head. Could the Ancient who was a sangdevoro demon be connected to him? He didn't know who he was or where he came from, or why Lyca Corp. was so invested in him. Luell said that only those with the blood of an Ancient could speak to lycans in their animal forms, so it had to make sense, right?

He frowned in confliction as he scoured the snow with his eyes. Maybe if he found the reason behind his existence, then he might not feel so empty inside.

But finding Haru was more important, and he couldn't do that if he didn't find Zoe. That girl knew more than she let on, so maybe she might be able to answer some of his questions. Jake said that Zoe never explained all of that to him, so she had to know.

"Hey, Elijah," Jake called nervously.

He snapped out of his thoughts and shifted his sights to Jake.

The pardus was standing by a cave entrance. "Trail leads in here."

"Come on, then," he said, moving past him. But when he stepped into the cave, he couldn't hear Jake following. He stopped and turned around to see the leopard standing at the entrance with a hesitant look on his face. "What are you fucking waiting for?"

Jake drawled nervously, "Uh...well...I kinda have this thing about dark, enclosed spaces, and—"

"We don't have time for this shit!" Elijah snarled as he moved over to him and shoved him.

The pardus groaned anxiously and tried to go back. "I-I can find a way around and meet you on the other side—"

Elijah grasped his scruff. "Either you walk willingly, or I'll put you to sleep and carry you."

His face lit up. "You know, that actually sounds—"

"Just fucking move," Elijah growled, shoving him continuously.

Jake grunted every time Elijah pushed him, but once they were around a hundred feet in, and the entrance no longer provided daylight, the pardus walked on his own, clinging too closely to Elijah's side.

"Give me some fucking space," the demon snarled, elbowing the pardus' side.

"You say fucking a lot, you know."

Ignoring him, Elijah used his demon ability to see in the pitch dark as if it were day to navigate the damp cavern. All he could smell was stagnant water, and the scent of the pine trees weakened the deeper he delved.

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