[ 007 ] in the crosshairs.

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            THE HEAT WAS SWELTERING down upon the teenagers as they all gathered round outside the cabin, each of them engaging in their own tasks

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   THE HEAT WAS SWELTERING down upon the teenagers as they all gathered round outside the cabin, each of them engaging in their own tasks. From sorting through their clothes to scavenging berries and roots for them to eat, everyone had something of worth to be doing.

Everyone but Travis Martinez, who had taken it upon himself to grab the dead cabin guys gun and brandishing it about, aiming it high and low at whatever little animals he saw. With zero training on how to handle a gun, mind you.

"Hey!" Van cried out as she rushed over and grabbed at the weapon his hands, attempting to pull it from his grip. "You don't know what the hell you're doing with that!"

Jackie scoffed from where she sat further up on the porch. "He's being fucking stupid."

   Travis rolled his eyes while standing from the porch steps, gun still in hand before fixing a glare upon the group of girls. "No, what's stupid is the fact that we have a gun and we're not fucking using it."

   A derivative, hearty chuckle fell from Nola's lips as she stared up at the Martinez boy. "And you think we would trust you with a gun?" She didn't trust Travis with a fork much less an actual weapon.

   He was delusional to think that he could just go out into the woods guns-a-blazing and come back with any form of food for them. Surely the animals would hear him coming, seeing as how he stomped about everywhere with a sour look upon his face. Now, Nola wasn't stupid. He missed his dad but he certainly wasn't making it any easier on himself with his dickish behaviour.

Travis shot the brunette a glare before grasping the weapon tightly and aiming it up high. His finger pulled hard against the trigger, firing a round from the chamber at the squirrel in the tree. A thunderous bang filled the air, hurting the ears of those who stood nearby.

"Oh shit!" Someone suddenly called out. Natalie came into view as she ran from around the cabin, her hands up in the air as she questioned, "What the hell?"

    "Hey! Give me that." They all glanced up to see Coach Ben standing in the doorway, using his makeshift crutches to hold himself up. The man moved forward and held out one of his hands. "Travis, give me the gun."

    "This is a dangerous weapon and we will handle it as such. We understand?" Coach Ben explained. His tone was incredibly serious, reminding them all in that moment that the man was once in an authority position. Something that felt like so long ago.

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