Pacific Tensions

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Oured coastline,Osean Federation

"So....this is the Space Elevator,right?"

"Indeed it is, although at first it wasn't here,but on an another continent"

In a few days after the establishment of US-Osea relationship,many US allies come to Oured and signed their own treaty with Osean.Until now,half of NATO,Japan,S.Korea and Ukraine is having friendly relation with Osea,along with many more nations currently in agreements discussing period.

In Osean Federation,thing are getting back to normal,stability was secure due to trading with United States.

Aside from core technology and military weapon as United States has requested,many furniture,toy,food,hardware and machineries being imported to US from Osea,and being favor by the American.Now the wealthy people in the US don't use American products anymore,they use Osean goods as a new standard,even when these are just a bit better,a product from the different world still attract many people,severely affect the US national demand.

In Osea,many people having interest at US product,since the crisis was solved and the new world was revealed to public,Osean tend to explore about Earth,they want to buy American stuff and understand about the cultural and technology level of this world.

Commonwealth of Australia,which having close border share with Osean Federation,so close that a bridge can be build to connect the two continent.That create the trouble in shipping lane,ship from US can't go straight to Australia anymore.Understand this obstacle, Australia has soon establish a flying shipping lane across the Osean continent,partly solved the problem in light-weight good

However,the heavy machinery still arrived too late and too costly,they interest in trading with Osea,understand the curiosity and demand of her people,the Australian government sent a diplomatic corps directly to the city of Oured to discuss about a trading deal with Osean Federation.

Hamilton-the formed ambassador of Australia in United States-was reassigned to Osean Federation.Now,standing under the gigantic ISEV,he finally understand the true power of Osea in the building that contest even the blue sky.

"I'm sorry,did I disrupt you?"-the voice was heard again

"Oh nothing,but what do you mean it was in a different continent?It wasn't built by Osea?"-Hamilton turn around and see a man in lab coat

"No no,Osean built it,but in the continent of Usea,as a way to develop this continent through the electric output from the elevator,so that they don't need to wage war against each other,the construction is indeed very hard,but we managed to built it and run the plant smoothly,at least until we transfer to this planet."

"That an interesting backstory,oh I'm Jonathan Hamilton,from Australian diplomatic corps,I came here seeking for a trading deal with your nation Osea"

"I'm Dr,Holden,from ISEV operator team,it is a pleasure to meet you,let me guide you to the inside of the elevator,the president is waiting there along with our ex-president"

Inside the elevator

"Are you sure this is a good place for international meeting?"-the Osean president ask his predecessor

"Of course,at least until we built new embassies,this building represented the power and wealth of our nation"

"But recently,the structure has gone bad,they said that the gravity on this planet is slightly stronger than in our world,we did tried to fix it by adding stabilizer,but sometime in the future we need to rebuild part of the elevator"

"Well,let hope that this thing won't fall down too soon so we can still fix it,in meantime,we can still held those international diplomatic event here"

Ander is a good president,however,he's far from perfect,in some situation like this,asking Harling-formed president of Osea-is a good idea.After all,he was the one on seat in the war with Yuktobania.Harling was visiting the elevator during the transference

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