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Dom made the decision not to tell Mr. Nobody that they collected Ramsey. After finding out that Deckard Shaw was also after Ramsey, they had more questions than answers. Even when Ravenna found out that it was Shaw who was in that car, trying to knock Dom out of the way as Ramsey held onto the car, she was confused. Why would Shaw want Ramsey and why did Mr. Nobody want her?

Ravenna sat on the edge of the dock, leaning her back against the support. The crew was waiting for Ramsey to wake up so they could ask their questions. Ravenna rested her hands on her stretched out legs. The others were silent, just waiting for Ramsey to wake.

Finding this dock by the water was just by chance. It was beautiful, allowing them to think about what was going on. This had to be more than getting to Deckard Shaw. What did Ramsey knew that made her a target from three different groups? When Dom told them about what happened on the mountain before he purposely drove off of it, there was a third group that wanted Ramsey, or at least what she knew.

To Ravenna, this just seemed all too much of a coincidence.

But then again, Ravenna knew Mr. Nobody - he knew how to play games, sending them on wild goose chases before they suddenly were presented with the information they actually needed. Raven got into trouble several times because Mr. Nobody just let her do whatever without telling her details. Having to explain to her father one day why she was in the hospital with a black eye and a broken arm.

"Hello Kitty's awake." Ravenna turned her head, seeing Ramsey flinching in pain as she did wake up. She pushed herself up, only to lean her shoulder against the support.

"She don't look like a hacker to me." Roman said.

Ravenna raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh yeah?" Tej took offense to his comment. "And what do hackers look like?" He asked.

"They don't supposed to look like that."

Ravenna placed her head into her hand. "You are saying that to our hacker." Ravenna stated.

"I'm just sayin'-"

"Please stop before you put your foot further into your mouth," Ravenna sighed.

"You know how they normally wear them little weird glasses that's all crooked, pimples all over they face from drinkin' soda?" Roman said.

Ravenna rolled her eyes. "Do you only know hackers from 80s films?" She asked honestly.

"Trust me, with a body like that, ain't gonna park it behind a computer." Ravenna opened her mouth to say something but she just shook her head at Roman's comment. She didn't have the energy to tell Roman how she really felt about that comment.

Brian walked over to Ramsey, asking her a couple of questions to make sure she wasn't hurt. "Where's my shoe?" She asked when she noticed her left shoe was missing from her foot.

"Oh, it flew off when you crashed." Brian told her. Ramsey almost had the look of "I didn't dream that?", which Ravenna found amusing. Brian told her if she was experiencing any of the symptoms he mentioned to let him know.

"I don't know whether to thank you for rescuing me or kick your ass for throwing me off a cliff." Ramsey groaned as she shifted her weight on the bench.

"Thank us or kick us, huh?" Dom questioned. Ramsey sighed heavily as she looked up at him. "How 'bout you tell us where that device is?" Dom asked.

"I mailed it to a friend. In Abu Dhabi." Ramsey said.

"That was pretty easy." Brian said. Yeah, that was pretty easy, Ravenna assumed that Ramsey would keep that secret for herself for a while longer. "That other team would have tortured you for that information." Brian added.

Dreamin' || Han Lue [returns 2026]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt