[ 004 ] in the trees.

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            SMALL STONES SCRAPED AGAINST her knees as she kneeled down on the forest floor

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   SMALL STONES SCRAPED AGAINST her knees as she kneeled down on the forest floor. Together, along with Misty who had been stationed down by Coach Scott's leg, Nola and Taissa had been sitting by his upper body. Their job was to make sure the man continued to breathe, otherwise the hard working Misty had been inputting would be for naught.

   Misty's gaze flitted back and forth between the bloody stump and everyone else. "All right, bleeding's slowing down. We need to disinfect it somehow. Maybe something from the bar cart." She immediately glanced up at Lottie.

   If anyone knew anything about the plane, it would have been Lottie, seeing as how her father had been the one to privately charter the vessel.

   "There wasn't one." Lottie responded as she looked down at Misty. When the Quigley girl widened her eyes in annoyance, Lottie then tried to defend the lack of a alcohol filled bar cart. "I mean, it was just soda. It's cheaper that way."

    "Maybe somebody brought contraband." The collective gaze turned to face Natalie Scatorccio, the only one among them ballsy enough to bring along alcohol and the like.

   Feeling eyes on her, the bleach blonde slowly lifted up her head to gaze back. "Okay. Wow." Her voice was raspy as she spoke. A slight look of offence flashed cross her face, though it was gone as quick as it arrived.

"Well, did you?" Jackie inquired, her right brow raised upward.

    "Obviously." Natalie uttered with a teasing shaking of the head. She threw her hands up in the air in defeat, however. "But I stashed it in my bag, and God knows where that is now."

    Van, who had been searching high and low amongst the suitcases that had been found, suddenly spoke up. "Guys, how about this?" Her voice carried through the trees as she held up a bottle of Nail Polish Remover.

    "Hey, that's m—" Jackie attempted to protest, though when many turned to glance her way, she trailed off. Seconds later she cleared her throat before a tight-lipped smile appeared on her face. "A great idea, Van."

   Misty rose to her feet and dashed over to Van, retrieving the bottle from Van. Her eyes danced across the ingredients label. "Witch Hazel, Isopropyl Alcohol. Actually, this could work. Okay." A wide smile grew as she made her way back over.

After uncapping the bottle, Misty made quick work of apply the liquid on the exposed and bloody flesh. The Coach shot up, yelling out in absolute agony. "Lie back. Lie back." Taissa begged of the man as she and Nola attempted to hold the man down.

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