1 • The Success

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3rd person of view

It was past dusk when a platinum dyed, long-haired female walks out of her dormitory of Salvatore Boarding School. Heading off the school's estate and into the outskirts of Mystic Falls, it was quite and the platinum blonde felt chills down her spine. She shouldn't have gone alone at this time, regretfully turning down her cousin's invite to clubbing last minute.

A mistake that will go down in history. She was not entirely defenseless but overall incapable of self protection either. A siphon in the lone streets on there own is a prey waiting for the inevitable.

Trying to reassure that all is well and nothing would dare sneak up on her, she rounded to a corner, heading further into town when she suddenly feels herself losing vision. The road before her started to blur like a hallucination. Stumbling upon the sidewalk, she attempts to grab her phone but fails as she falls to the ground unconscious.

She awakens uncertain of the events that transpired, eyes droopy and tired. She is lying on a metal table in a dimly lit room. As if the syncing the scene, she instantly tries to get up however she is restrained to the table with her hands strapped at the side as well as her feet. Beginning to panic, she desperately attempts to use her magic but nothing happens.

Feeling vulnerable as she noticed she doesn't have her charm bracelet. Wishing to be home with her family rather than be in this situation. She cried out for someone to help her, the desperation in her voice growing unbearable. Alas there wasn't any response. Helplessness and torment are only things she could feel at this critical moment and she can't help but give up.

Willingly calming down, she stopped fighting. If she was to die or be killed like this, she wanted to be done quickly. It was much better that way, no one needed her anyway. All she ever was to people was being made a pawn, someone who could be used and likely to be set aside once her usefulness was overdue.

Remembering the time Gerard Argent had blackmailed her to do his bidding. She felt disgusted and enraged that a hypocrite hunter had made her feel weak, she may have been a low grade Witch but she wouldn't stoop that low for little to no benefit. He become another in the makeshift list of people she wanted to suffer endlessly.

Things could have been different if she was capable to fight back against people that would use her. Being a siphon was a curse, even the heavens would agree.

Closing her eyes, knowing this won't be her end. It would be she that foretells her fate no one else.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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