[ 003 ] a whirring clang.

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            COLD ORANGE JUICE SLID down the back of her throat with ease as the young Rilke girl gulped back the glass

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            COLD ORANGE JUICE SLID down the back of her throat with ease as the young Rilke girl gulped back the glass. The morning after the altercation between Shauna and Taissa had come and just as Nola had suspected, her head had been absolutely killing her when she awoke to the ear piercing, shrill rings of her alarm clock.

          The young girl had tossed and turned like crazy during the night. The way in which she'd left things with Shauna the night prior had caused an feeling of unease to fester in the pit of her stomach, rendering her unable to sleep. The sun had begun to come up when exhaustion finally overcame her, only for the alarm to blare mere hours later.

            No matter how much she wished to remain in bed and sleep the day away, she had no choice. Nationals was closing in fast and she needed to be ready. Thankfully for her, she had packed her suitcase a few days prior which meant all she needed to do was drag herself out of bed and force some food into her system. Easier said than done.

            Nola had practically crawled out of bed, eyes still half closed as she gotten herself dressed and lugged her exhausted body to the kitchen. A horrific sight had met her as she rounded the corner. Sitting at the breakfast bar was her father and standing near the sink was her mother, both sipping away at their own individual cup of coffee.

            Not wishing to speak to either, Nola had simply walked past them both and gotten herself a glass of orange juice which she had knocked back in an instant, using the liquid to swallow down some Tylenol.

            "A letter from Berkeley came for you this morning." Her mother announced with a unsubtle glance her daughters way as she pulled away the mug from her lips.

          Nola sighed as she placed her condensation covered glass upon the counter-top. The lack of a coaster beneath the glass did not go unnoticed by her mother. "What did it say?" She questioned while reaching for an apple.

          Her mother had the audacity to look offended. The palm of her hand lay flat across her chest, pressing against the fabric of her black pantsuit. "How would I know?"

         "Because you open every single piece of mail that I've ever gotten?" The young girl sarcastically quipped, her voice so light muffled by the chunk of apple she had bitten free of the fruit. She swallowed down the rest before reaching for her glass once again. "Just tell me what it said. Shauna's gonna be here any minute."

         She hoped. There was the slim chance that Shauna would leave her stranded, leaving her to find her another way to the plane. It was slim but still a possibility.

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✸ 𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now