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When Raven first suggested that Mila move to Tokyo with her and Han, Mila jumped at the chance. She obviously was going to miss home in the Dominican Republic, but Mila learned that it wasn't the right place for her. Within a year of living in Tokyo, Mila had found her friends and a culture that she loved so dearly. She felt closer to her stepfather, and even closer to Ravenna. It was nice to be in the country that their father loved so much, and for a moment, he thought he'd live there permanently.

Settling down was definitely different for the three of them. Mila had to get used to a whole different country with a language she was fluent in, thank God. But that didn't mean Mila didn't have her troubles in the beginning. After going from being a special education school in the DR to going to regular school near a military base was completely different.

However, she loved it.

And Raven loved how much Mila adapted to a big change like that.

As for Han and Raven, they were settling down nicely - Tokyo was officially the second longest place they've ever stayed in since moving from their homes. They both adapted extremely well, knowing that Tokyo was officially their home the moment they arrived. As soon as they stepped foot off that plane with their luggage, they were home.

Han opened a garage, allowing anyone to come and stay if they wanted. It soon became the hang out for teenagers who were interested in cars. And within the year of being there, Mila became interested in cars and drifting. The drifting culture in Tokyo was insane - when Ravenna first saw it, she was instantly interested. Now, she knew how to drift already, but Tokyo took it to a whole other level.

It was fun to see how different countries street raced. It was certainly different from the DR or even Los Angeles, but cool all the same.

Ravenna looked up to the loft, seeing Twinkie and Mila rushing around to get ready for school. She shook her head as she lowered her headphones to around her neck. "One of these days, you two will get up on time." Raven called out as she turned around in the stool. Twinkie was running down the stairs, putting on the uniform jacket.

Ever since Mila brought home Twinkie, Earl, and Reiko, Han opened the garage up for anyone. There was a club right next door, attached to the garage - people came and went with ease. Ravenna and Han made friends easily, making friends with the locals and enjoying a little bit of a slower life. And by slower, not worrying for their lives was a more acceptable answer. They had settled down for the most part, they still raced on occasion, but they mainly went to races to watch Mila or Twinkie if they were up against someone else.

"Twinkie turned off my alarm!" Mila said as she ran down the stairs. She was throwing her hair up into a ponytail. She'd deal with her hair when she got to school and waited for the teacher to arrive. "We're gonna be late!" Mila was panicking.

Ravenna smirked. "Thankfully, I had the bright idea to set your alarms 45 minutes ahead of your normal time." Ravenna said. Twinkie and Mila stopped, eyes narrowing at Ravenna. She shrugged. "I was gettin' tired of getting a call from your homeroom teacher. Get your asses to school." Ravenna said, turning back towards her car.

"Not cool!" Twinkie complained. "And I thought I didn't have to deal with that anymore." He rolled his eyes.

Twinkie became Mila's first friend when she arrived to the school. He instantly liked her, trying to get her to buy something off of him, but she refused. But when he said that he was into cars, Mila became interested. She told him on the very first day of school that she lived in a garage with her sister and her sister's boyfriend. At first, Twinkie didn't believe her until she brought him straight to the garage after school.

At the time, they only had about four cars to their names, but Twinkie didn't leave.

"Twink, let's go before Raven sprays paint on us." Mila said, taking Twinkie by the shoulders. Raven smirked proudly as her sister and her best friend ran out of the garage. Ravenna shook her head, going back to her paint job. She put the headphones back onto her head, listening to whatever playlist Han made for the garage.

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