Part 1~lover boy

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" Elijah, sir it's time to wake up." A boy sits up in his king sized bed and rubs his eyes, he got up and said "alright." The boy's voice was calm, obviously still tired though, he walked over to his closet grabbing a black hoodie and a pair of sweats, then putting them on.

The boy grabbed his bag and left, on his way out a maid said " Elijah, sir." Elijah turn to look at the maid "Sara?" The maid doged the eye contact Elijah was trying to do, she spoke "your father wants to see you after school, he said he needs to talk with you." Elijah rolled his eyes "alright but I'm doing after school activities so I'll be home late." Elijah said walking out the door

Time skip - at school

As Elijah walked into school he saw his crush Taylor, he has liked her since second grade, but never said anything because like most people she was kinda scared of him, because his father is the strongest mafia boss of his town, his father is so strong/powerful that the towns police can throw him in jail.

Elijah walks to his locker and grabbed his books, then went to class.

Time skip - end of the day(school)

Elijah got up from his seat leaving, putting his books away, then heading to the music room, when Elijah go the he looked around to find no one ' finally no one is here ' Elijah thought to himself walking to the piano and sitting down on the chair, he put his hands on the keys and started playing a Harmony that was beautiful, as he was play he could since someone coming, he through some random object at the light switch turning it off, as the door opened he could tell the person who just walked in was a female, he stopped playing as she shut the door "please don't touch the light switch." Elijah said as she gasped a little "sorry, you play beautifully."the female said, He started playing "thanks I taught myself." Elijah said, as he heard the female sitting in a chair, Elijah stopped"do you wanna hear anything specific?" He said slightly turning his head "uh can you play Clair de lune?" The female said looking at him, he turned and looked at the piano "sure." Elijah said as he started playing.

He finished the song, as he took his hands off the keys and looked at the time 6:37 he got up, walking closer to the girl, putting a note next to he that wrote.

I'll be here tomorrow if your wondering.

Then Elijah left, when he got home he went straight to his father's office, he knock on the door "come in." Elijah opened the door to see his father sitting on his couch "Father." Elijah said closing the door, Elijah's father got up from his seat, smacking Elijah across the face "you need to be home by 5pm tomorrow we are having a dinner so dress nice." Elijah nodded then left, as he was going to his room a maid stopped him "sir, come let's get that cleaned up." The maid said, Elijah's face had started bleeding a bit where he was slapped, his father had a strong hand so he didn't have to put much force into a slap to get a person bleeding.

Elijah closed his door looking in the mirror the was a small cut under his eye, he got changed and got in bed and went to sleep.

Time skip - the end of the day (school)

Elijah started play on the piano, when he heard the door open and close "phew I thought you wouldn't actually be here." The female said sitting down "yes but I must leave at 4:35." Elijah said playing a different note "hey may I ask for your name." The girl said, Elijah stopped playing " it's better not to know." He said continuing to play, the female said "ok well I'll just call you piano boy, ok?" Elijah stopped playing again "sure." But this time he didn't keep playing "sorry if I'm annoying you, you can keep playing." The female said, Elijah got up and sat in a nearby chair "it's fine I don't mind, how about a game." Elijah said "um how about 21 questions just to to know each other." The female said "ok." Elijah said as he looked at the time 3:45 "ok I'll go first, how old are you?" The female said getting up and moving to a closer chair "15." Elijah said " oh, I'm 17, your turn" she said.

4:30 Elijah and the girl just finished the game, Elijah was packing up his stuff, he had his back turned when he heard the door open " I'ma take a guess that you don't want me to see you face if I can't get your name, cya Monday... Hopefully." The girl said before leaving, Elijah was done, and leaving.

When he got home he went to his room put the suit his father picked for him, then went to great the guests at the door but when he got to the bottom of the stairs he heard "Eli!"


Hey sorry for the cliff hanger on the first chapter, hope you've enjoyed so far!


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