CHAPTER 2: Broken Little Angel

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There's no chance in hell that I'm going to let anything bad happen to her. At least not more than what she already is from saving me. That's why I make them take her to one of my hospitals because I know we have some of the best doctors in the country and what Max wants, Max gets. Nobody dares to defy me because I own multi-million dollars worth of companies in New York.

But, right now I feel powerless.

I have been sitting here in one of the hospital's private rooms, watching the woman who got hit earlier. She just got out of the Operation Theater. I was told she had some bleeding in her brains. Broken ankle. Few broken ribs. And multiple laceration wounds all over her body. And, now that I get to take a real good look at her, she looks so fragile. She looks broken. She has bandages over her head with some tube and drainage. A tube connected to her chest. Tube in her mouth to assist her breathing. Cast on her left ankle. She looks lifeless.

I wonder what she must have really looked like without all the bandages and tubes. She has short bob black hair. Dark brown skin. Small frame. Probably 5'1. She looks Asian. I don't think I have seen or met her before. So, this really doesn't explain why she did what she did.

Why? You didn't even know me. Why did you take the hit for me? 

It could have been me lying in this bed. You wouldn't have to suffer all these. You could have just walked away.

I'm not good at this. Feeling helpless and hopeless. Not being able to do anything to help. Feeling so out of control. 

Yes, control.

That's what I'm good at!

"Mr Xavier, I was told to hand this to you. It came in with the girl. We couldn't figure out any ways to contact her next of kin. But the police did notify the embassy to let them know what happened." One of the nurses came in and handed me a leather rucksack. She nodded politely and left before I managed to thank her.

I look at the rucksack and hesitate if I should see what's inside. Maybe I'll find something that will help me figure out who she is? 

But, this would be breaking her privacy, no? 

My hand is already working on the rucksack while my brain is questioning whether I should or shouldn't.

Fuck it!

Well, there's a decent size makeup bag. Brown wallet. Android phone. Few bottles of cream. Phone charger. Light grey sweater. Passport. A small book.

I couldn't help but to roll my eyes. 

That's a lot of shits in a small rucksack.

So, Ella Adam, that's her name. Ella Adam. It rolled perfectly from my tongue. Twenty five years old and she is apparently Malaysian.

You are a long way from home, Ella. What are you doing here in New York? 

And, she doesn't look twenty five.

But, what do I know?

I have never really known any Asian before. Never been with any Asian women. Asian women have never really been my type. I have always gone for blonde and most of the women I've been with were models.

Asian women?, Hmmmm... I wonder what it's like. I rolled my eyes and pushed that thought away. This is not the time for that, Max.

I head out to the nursing counter to borrow a phone since mine isn't working anymore to call Sebastian, my head security who is also my main bodyguard.

"Sebastian, Mercy Hospital now! Room 303. Bring me a new phone." I hung up. The blonde nurse who stood still in front of me was looking at me without blinking her eyes. I know, I can be intimidating to most people. Good that I intimidate her. Well, I am the boss of all her bosses anyway.

I didn't even bother to thank the nurse and walked back to the room and sat right next to Ella. I don't like the silence. All I heard was the rhythmic beeping from the machine. I land my eyes on her again.

"The first 48 hours are critical. At this moment, we are putting her to sleep to let her recover and monitor her progress and we can only hope there's no new bleeding in her brain. It's too early to be able to tell her prognosis." That was what the doctor had said earlier.

I didn't even realize I was holding her hand in mine. My thumb rubbed her hand automatically. This just feels natural. It doesn't feel strange at all. And it's weird, considering she is a stranger. And I laced my fingers with hers. Just to see how it feels. And, it feels nice. It feels familiar. Like her hands were made for mine.

A small knock came from the door. And, Sebastian entered. He had a questioning look on his face and his eyes landed on our interlaced fingers. But, he didn't ask anything. He knows best not to question me. He passed me a new iphone. Surprisingly it already has all my contacts in it. I give him a small smile. And nod appreciatively. 

Remind me to raise his pay.

"I want you to find me as much information as you can get on her. Where she stays in New York. Who she is with. Details. You have two days." I passed her passport to Sebastian and he returned it to me after he took a quick photo of the passport.

He gave me a small nod and walked out.

I don't remember how long I've been here. My eyes felt very heavy and I started yawning. 

It's been a long day.

Chapter 2 is short, yeah I know.. But, let me know what you think of it and leave me a vote and comment so that I know you actually enjoy this story.

This would really help a lot 🤍

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