One: The Beginning

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Another family moved into 1120 Westchester Place. Also known as the murder house by the locals. The house itself was a work of art. It's a Victorian-styled house with leaded stained glass, intricate moldings, and tiffany lamps. All original to the house. It was a mystery how such a stunning house could hold such a dark past. The walls are soaked in blood only covered by a coat of paint. Ready to be sold to the next unsuspecting victim. This family of three is just the newest prey to fall into the trap.

It didn't take long for the family to fall apart. The mother, Constance Is a failed actress who believed she was destined for greatness. Now drowns her sorrows and dreams in alcohol and cigarettes all while putting on the show of her life as a doting mother. She was not the only one playing a role, her husband was just as bad as her. Though his choice of poison was young women, one including his housemaid. There was only one person in the family who wasn't pretending and that was their son. A small boy not even ten growing up on his own searching for the love and attention he lacks from his parents. He had a very active imagination running around the house in his fantasy world. He often carried around a little yellow truck running it up and down the banisters.

That's how he was introduced to the supernatural, pushing his toy truck down the basement stairs. The basement was cold and dark yet it didn't deter the boy from pushing his toy into the dark abyss. If only he knew what was lurking in the dark waiting to devour him. Maybe then he wouldn't have made his way into the dark.

Everything happened so fast his toy was just in sight but when he reached out to grab it the monster attacked. He realized all too late the danger he was in, closing his eyes in an attempt to hide from his appending doom. At the last minute, an angel grabbed him, making the monster disappear back into the shadows. His eyes were wide as he looked up at the women in amazement. She taught him how to protect himself from the creature if it were to come back.

He hurried back up the stairs his yellow toy truck long forgotten. His mother and father will never know how close they were to losing their son that day. The boy only spoke of the monster in the basement once but when his parents dismissed him telling him it was his imagination. After that, he never spoke of it again. He knew though it wasn't his imagination. From that day forth he stayed away from the basement never daring to open the door.

The family of three grew larger every day. With every pregnancy Constance became more and more depressed. It seemed her womb was cursed. Every child she carried beside Tate came out with a deformity. She was distraught every time she was pregnant praying they would be normal. Her prayers were never answered. She tried to keep her children out of sight of others trying to save her image. With all her children having deformities there was pressure put on Tate. He was the perfect son, the one with the beauty and no one could take that away from her.

Tate didn't see his siblings the way his mother did. He loved them. He took over as a parent making sure they never got into too much trouble. He also made sure to tell them to avoid the basement because there was a monster down there. As he gets older though he'll realize the monster in the basement isn't the only one in the house.

When Tate was ten his father ran off and they were forced to move out of the house. Little did he know his father never ran away; he was killed by his mother. His weakness for pretty women was his downfall and led him to an early grave. Along with their housemaid who was buried in the backyard. Constance was devastated, her perfect life falling apart all around her and now her high school sweetheart was gone. Her family or what's left of it had to move out of her dream home. She bought the house next to her old home knowing one day she'll return.

Constance managed to charm the man that owned the house after her. Convincing him to kick his family out and move her and her children in. He was a loving husband and father of two daughters before meeting Constance. Now though he's a widow and father of two dead daughters. Their last night together was one he would remember forever. He told his wife at dinner after he put the girls to bed that he wanted a divorce. That he's in love with Constance and plans to move her into the house. His face was void of emotion as he told his wife the one he vowed to love till death. His wife sobbed but he didn't care and when she realized that she quieted. She stood from the table a weird sense of calm overcame her. That should have been his first sign of danger but he didn't notice. If only he had noticed maybe then it would have ended differently. The smell of smoke filled the house. By the time he got to the girls' room, it was too late both his children and wife were already dead. A tragic end to his family.

The house was filled with Life soon after the death of his family. He moved Constance and her family in. Clinging to their relationship because if they don't work out his family would have died for no reason. Constance's motives for being in a relationship with him were less pure, she only needed access to the house again. The families merging were rocky considering Tate hated his mother and her new man. He made sure to remind both of them of his dislike for them every chance he got.

The new family had their own problems already but they find the more time they spend in the house the worse it'll get.

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