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-Diana's POV-

I take off my headphones, letting them rest around my neck as I open the door to my favourite bookstore, 'Lyla's books'. I step inside immediately feeling the warmth since it is freezing outside due to the weather change. It's basically autumn now which also means it's spooky season. I love Halloween, I prefer over Christmas and I always have. I still love Christmas though.

On Halloween, you don't pretend like everything's all rainbows and butterflies but on Christmas everyone acts like everything and everyone is perfect. It's quite sad actually.

"Back again?" I hear Lyla the owner say from behind the counter and I smile and turn to her.

"I finished the books I got last week." I put my hands into the pocket of my baggy jeans.

"You read too much, I'm saying that as the biggest bookworm there is. You're a teenager, go party." She laughs and I do too.

"I'd rather not."

"You do you. Oh, before I forget, we got in that book you were looking for too. Down the third aisle, it's selling out fast." She calls and I smile, quickly fixing my bag on my shoulder before walking to that aisle to find the book. I've been looking for the book 'lasting forever' for like two months now, it's sold out everywhere I have looked. I was going to get it online but Lyla said she would get it in for me and everywhere I have looked online anyway is a little expensive. That or else it's sold out...

I spot it on the shelf, the last one. I smile to myself and quickly walk over and go to reach for it and someone snatches it...I quickly look and a woman looks down at the book, a woman with dark brown hair that's just below her shoulders.

"Sorry...That's mine." I say motioning towards the book, she meets my eye and raises her eyebrow slightly. Her eyes catch my attention as I go to look at the book again, they're hazel, mostly green but a little brown there too.

"Really? It doesn't seem to have a name on it, also if it's yours why is it on the shelf for anyone to buy?" She questions, her voice soft and calm kind of relaxing to hear honestly but at this moment, I am anything but relaxed.

"Well, I was going to buy it. I've been looking everywhere for it."

"Interesting...because I have been looking for it too. If it's not yours I think I'm gonna buy it." She smiles and I frown.

"I'll pay you for it, more than it's worth. Please, I've been dying to read this book and it's out of stock everywhere, the minute it's back in stock and I go to buy it, it's always gone again." I beg and she shrugs, not caring in the slightest.

"That's not my problem, darling." She winks before smiling as she walks past me with my book in her hand. I groan and rub my hands over my face as I follow her, she walks up putting the book down on the counter and Lyla picks it up, scanning it.

"Lyla, is there anymore? She decided to take the last one." I ask crossing my arms and the woman rolls her eyes, she smirks...slightly but it's there. How miserable is she with her life? Is she a sadist because I am certainly and pain and she is finding it funny?

"No, Diana, I'm sorry. They should have some in another book store. Try out of town maybe."

"...Damn you woman." I huff and the woman snorts.

"I think I'm going to go home and cry because of you." She smiles at Lyla and picks up the bag.

"I will sell you my soul if you give me the book." I plead and she shakes her head.

"It's a book, you're acting like it's a million dollars." She shrugs.

"It's not just a book! I've been searching everywhere for it over the last two months."

"Well that's just unlucky." She nods and turns walking out.

"She took it just because I wanted it!" I look to Lyla and she smiles.

"Why are you smiling! This is terrible, I could die tomorrow and I wouldn't have read that book!" I raise my voice annoyed, I was so close!...so close.

"I'll try to get more just for you, it's going to get dark soon and it isn't safe for you to be walking around. Go home and read another book." Lyla says and I huff.

"Alright. I'll talk to you soon Lyla." I wave and she nods as I walk out.

✺   ✺   ✺
TW: mention of abuse.

I walk inside and hear rapid paws against the wooden floor, Sadie, my Dog comes running over and I smile and scratch her head. Sadie is a brown and black German shepherd, my dad got her for me on my eight birthday. I think he got her out of guilt honestly because he kept apologising on my birthday for all the fighting going on between him and my Mom.

 Dad was the one to begin drinking first, Mom later followed in his footsteps when he left.

They would fight every night, it would just get worse every night. Glass breaking, screaming and shouting. Dad ended up packing and leaving when he got better, he probably left out of embarrassment over the bruises and blood that was shed...Mom started drinking and she became just like him. When I was fourteen my Aunt took me in, even though she wants nothing got to do with Mom, she still took me in. She has no kids or anyone, so it's just me and her.

"Di, is that you?" I hear my Aunt, Jane call and I walk to the kitchen.

"Yeah it's me." I smile as she walks over to the fridge.

"Good, where did you go today?" She asks and I cross my arms.

"Not much, walked around a little and went to Lyla's." I reply and she nods.

"You better go to bed for school tomorrow, I have a work thing at the weekend so I'll be gone from Friday morning to Monday night." Jane sits down at the table and I hum.

"Okay, goodnight, Jane." I smile and she blows me a kiss.

"Sleep well." She shouts after me and I walk up the stairs with Sadie following behind.

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