Prologue: The Rescue

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A teen boy with long, messy, silver hair, a small brown horn on the right side of his forehead and crimson red eyes stands, fists raised, in front of a very young girl with similar hair, eyes and horn. He faced the Pro Heroes Ryukyu and Eraserhead, a determined look on his face.

"Calm down, Kid. We aren't here to hurt you."

"NO. You're lying. You'll just hurt us like Chisaki."

"We won't. We're here to rescue you. We're heroes."

"That's what the last ones said. We won't fall for it again."

Eraser and Ryukyu grew wide-eyed at this. Just what had these children lived through. Before they knew it, Eraser was on the floor with the boy above him. The boy turned to Ryukyu and ran at her. His horn flashed briefly before he appeared in front of her and threw a punch. It connected sending her stumbling back. His horn flashed again, and he reappeared back in front of the girl. The heroes got back to their feet. Before anything could happen, a muscular blonde teen phased through the wall. The wall was destroyed as his pursuer revealed himself. The villain Overhaul had entered the scene. Seeing this, the silver-haired boy and girl tensed. The boy's horn flashed and he appeared in the far corner, holding the girl close to him.

"Izuku, Eri! Come here. You don't want these heroes to die, do you?" The two mentioned tensed even more, the boys defensive stance faltering. "If not, Izuku, put Eri down and fight them while I take Eri somewhere else."

The boy, Izuku, hesitated and put the girl, Eri, onto the floor. Whispering something into her ear. The words made her grab his arm and cry harder. He slowly got out of her grip and walked towards the heroes. Overhaul started walking over to Eri, passing Izuku. Izuku's horn flashed, and Overhaul was sent flying back. His mask was broken and his head dripped blood. An enraged Izuku stood where Overhaul once was, fists clenched and blood coating his knuckles.

"I don't have to listen to you anymore, Chisaki. I trust these heroes, they're the real deal. Your plan has backfired."

The heroes couldn't help but wonder what plan he was talking about. Either way, Overhaul was pissed. He ran at Izuku, hand outstretched. Izuku's horn flashed and he appeared behind Overhaul, landing a powerful punch to the back of his head. Izuku's horn flashed again and he was in front of Overhaul, kicking him in the face. Overhaul was sent back.

"Fine. If you want it to be this way, so be it. I'll just kill Eri from over here." He placed his hand on the floor. Spikes erupted out and towards the small frame of Eri. Izuku appeared in front of her, sheltering her. He closed his eyes, waiting for the pain. It never came. What happened instead was a large shadow covered Izuku. A roar of pain sounded. The dragoon hero Ryukyu had transformed and taken the hit. Eraserheads eyes glowed and his scarf bound the villain. The blond teen, Lemillion, dashed at overhaul, yellow lightning sparking around him. He punched Overhaul as hard as he could, sending him flying and knocked him unconscious.

Ryukyu detransformed, grunting in pain. Blood rushed out of her open wound from Overhaul's attack. Eri saw this and panicked. A nice woman who protected them was about to die, all because she protected them. Her horn glowed, and Ryukyu became fully healed. The glow, however, didn't stop.

"Eraser, use your quirk on her! Don't ask, just do!"

Eraserhead did as asked and the glow ceased. Eri cried into Izuku's arms as he hugged her tightly. They were free. The heroes had finally arrived. Izuku started sobbing lightly. After a few minutes, they stood, Izuku holding Eri close to his chest. A few more heroes came through the door. Not recognising them, Izuku angled himself so that Eri was as far from them as possible. His horn glowed dimmly, signalling he was about to activate his power. A blue haired girl, black haired boy, green and yellow haired man, and red haired boy stood in the doorway.

"Eraserhead, are these the kids?" The man spoke.

"Yes, Nighteye. Overhaul called them Izuku and Eri. I guess those are their names." He looks at the duo, they nod.

"What should we do with them now? I doubt they'll want to go to an orphanage." Izuku and Eri tense at those words, Izuku beginning to glare at Nighteye.

"We can take them to UA. Nezu can help us find out more."

"But who will look after them? Do you have any parents?"

Izuku covers Eri's ears. "They're dead. One killed in a quirk accident, the other by Overhaul."

Eraserhead and Nighteye solemnly nod.

"Then who shall look after them?"

Eri spoke up in a small voice. "D-Dragon Lady" The pros look at her.
"S-she protected us. S-she is good."

"Dragon Lady? You mean Ryukyu? That might work. How about it, Ryukyu?"

"I'll do it. She healed me and he fought to protect her. I've always wanted children of my own. Now seems like a good time."

"OK then. What about living arrangements? We have dorms at UA, they could stay there. We'd have Cementoss build a bigger room for the two of them. It wouldn't be a good idea to separate them."

"Would it be alright if I moved in with them?" Everyone looked at Ryukyu. "They seem to trust me, seeing me as a mother now, it might be good for them if I was with them. I can do hero work during the day occasionally. Besides, I have sidekicks."

"I'll talk to Nezu and see what I can do."

"Thanks, Eraser. Before we forget, what are your quirks? We'll need to know eventually."

Izuku answered for both siblings. "Eri's is called Rewind. It allows her to reverse any living thing back to a previous state. Even before birth or before the appearance of quirks. Mine is called Standstill. I can stop time. My current limit is 9 seconds"

The heroes stop at the descriptions. Two very powerful quirks. No wonder Overhaul was so desperate to keep them. They were glad that things turned out the way they did.

"Those are some powerful quirks. You'll go far, both of you. We'll take you to UA, talk to nezu, and get you settled in. How old are you?"

"I'm 16, she's 5." This angers the heroes. The knew they were kids, but one was only 5. And they had been here for years. As if sensing the anger, Izuku backed away, holding his sister close to him. The heroes noticed and calmed down, as to not scare them.

"Sorry you two. We don't mean to scare you. Come with us, you're safe now."

Izuku and Eri felt relief. Whilst they were still a bit wary of the group, they trusted them enough to believe them. Izuku knew that whatever happened, he would protect his sister through it all.

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