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oi bitch where tf r u

dont yell at me whore

i wasnt yelling at u, where r u idiot

in my bed

well can u get ur ass out of it and play minecraft with me like
u said u would

what r we, 12?

ur not george?

no tf, im actually daddy pig, not the small fartass one

so that makes me the 'small fartass one's boyfriend.

omg ur dating that fucktard of a thing? u rlly must be desperate huh?

well fucktard isnt that small and is actually quite entertaining

no george's r entertaining, tf is u on about, anyways, guess what.

.... george is entertaining

i fucking changed the subject and u still on about george, i reckon ur the defensive type

ok fine, what?

i nearly blew up my microwave earlier

how? bro i think ur the fuckin 12 yr old, blowin up microwaves

stfu im 22.

miss mr gurl boy human, u sound like ur trying to brag

woman  she her

girl she her, got it

so who is this george u speak of

my friend

he better not be british

...y cant he be british?

because once i was walking down the streets of OLRANDO FLORIDA
AMERICA.. and a ton of british people where there and then they were like filming
themselves and they were kicking around a soccer ball, hit me square in the face

how did u know they were british?

one of them was kind enough to come and apologise about theyre friend hitting me,
not even the one who hit me. so i only like that one specific british boy, the rest can smd

how do u know that george isnt that one boy?

bec i know his name and it sure isnt gEoRgE

i think its just the name george u have a thing against

so.. he is british?

...i didnt say that

u said it without saying it

yep, im sure, but yes..he is a britian

ew bro imagine being british like tf

what if it told u im british...

...then y tf is ur area code american

i could be.. living here after moving from britian

u better be messing with me istg u will be blocked

nah im only kidding, american all the way bb

so.. george is ur only friend?

i wouldnt say ONLY, but he's one of my closest

uh uhuh, betraying us fellow americans for that fugly peice of shat

i wouldnt say betraying, i do have a couple american friends

so, do u have more american friends or british friends?

british, BUT BUT BUT, before u get pissy, my american friends
are better then all those british people, not better then george-

i dont like the sound of this george fellow

u dont like the sound of any british person apart from that one
kid who apologised to you

u talk a lot

nah, u do

nah its all u

the only thing thats all me are the good looks, anything else
is u

*cutely blocks*

u didnt even block me stfu

dont ruin my moment.

anyways, gotta go see my boyfriend
im a he him btw


im not actually gay- its just a bit

i guess i have a little competition against goerge i see

wrong number- dreamwastakenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang